Chapter 33

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Y/n's pov
"Well, goodnight everybody! Oh!" Lindsay Yawns as we all go to our trailers, But they are locked? "I can't stay another minute with that stupid emo! Let me in!" I yell before pulling the door. "You didn't mind spending the night in my sheets though, Did you Princess?" Duncan teases as i glare at him, rage filling me as everyones eyes light up, "Wait, wait, let me try it" Izzy says as i step aside, letting her try the door before we hear an ambulance wailing, "Cops!" Izzy yells before running to hide, an ambulance pulls over and a stretcher rolls out the back, "Ew, what is that? A dead body?" Heather questions, "Or an undead body" Duncan adds as i stare him down, "Boo!" Chris yells, Jumping up from under the cover on the stretcher as i scream and Jump back before i notice Duncan smirking at me as i turn my head to face the other way. "Calm yourselves no one's dead yet, I'm here to prep you plucky ducks for our most awesome challenge yet, these textbooks hold the sum total of eight years of med school and each one of you gets one because tomorrow, we're gonna play doctor!" Chris smiles as i roll my eyes, "To win this challenge, you're gonna wanna memorize the entire contents of these textbooks by morning" Chris smirks as i groan, "But it's already late!" I yell, "You got that right! What med school all nighter would be complete without pizza?" Chris smiles as Chef walks over with a bunch of pizza boxes. "Mm! That smells good!" Owen smiles, licking his lips, "It's gotta be a trick" Leshawna says sternly, "More like method acting. Med school interns consume eight hundred fifty percent more pizza than the average human. So, dig in. 'Cause there's plenty more where that came from" Chris says giving us the pizza and leaving with Chef before Duncan opens a box, "Looks okay" He says examining it before moving his head down to smell it and i push his face into it as Heather lets out a giggle, "Fucking Bitch!" Duncan yells pulling his face out of the pizza, Bits of it stuck on his face, "Tastes... Incredible!" He smiles before grabbing a slice from the mushed pizza, "How is that even possible? Chef made it!" Heather yells as Dj looks around nervously. I grab a book before sitting down and reading, "Hey, Beth? Do I squint when I read?" Justin asks loudly as i try to ignore him, Reading the book, "This pizza is rad! Who knew chef could actually cook!" Duncan Smirks as i sigh before leaving and heading back to the trailer before falling asleep
                                {next morning}
"So tired" Harold groans, "Owie, my brain is full" Lindsay Yawns, "Oh man nothing like a good night's sleep, Am I right?" Duncan teases as everyone groans, "Morning, competitors! Or should I say... doctors?!" Chris smiles, "Ready for today's big challenge?" he asks, "Some of us are more ready than others" Heather says glaring at leshawna, "You made your choice, I made mine" Leshawna says, "Ooh, tension, My favorite! Let's take it inside" Chris says as we step inside some warehouse, "Today's reward challenge is called 'Visiting Hours' and only one member of the winning team will get to enjoy the reward" Chris smirks, "If only one of us gets the prize, why even bother trying to win?" I question, "A challenge is a challenge, It's one for all and all for one" Leshawna sighs, "Yeah but if we win who gets to be the one?" Duncan questions as i look to my team, My team is so bad. "Chris, you haven't told us what the reward is yet" Harold says, "You're very perceptive, Harold. Let's see if that'll help you and your team assemble... a cadaver!" Chris exclaims
"You mean like, a dead body?" i ask "No, I mean like a giant dead body!" Chris smiles before going on to explain the challenge before we get to work. Beth lets out a squeal before getting back out of the water with a part of the body, "What the heck was that?!" She screams, "Oh yeah, I forgot to mention the electric eels! Three zaps and you're out" Chris chuckles before we get on with the challenge, "The Gaffers ahead by... a head!" Chris yells as i splash into the water, "Cmon Beautiful!" Justin yells as i grab an arm as we assemble it onto the body and justin steps up before i notice Leshawna breaking up an argument between Harold and Duncan as Dj Yells from excitement . "The Gaffers have their cadaver! Time to start yanking some chain and be quick about it 'cause the Grips are right behind you!" Chris yells as Izzy passes us the last bit and we start pulling the chains, Catching up to the other team. "The Grips are still in this! Whose cadaver will hit the roof first?!" Chris yells as Izzy sits back looking at us intently. "Ew, what's this icky sore? Owen, you're burning up! Just like my passionate soul" Izzy says as owen burps, "Mm, lemony" Owen says "Hold on... red sores, fever, lemony burps? Aren't those symptoms of one of the diseases in the book?" Justin questions, "Page 753! Mortotistico Crumple's Disease! and it's fatal!" Beth gasps as my heart sinks, great. "Mortotistico Crumple's isn't just fatal... it's highly contagious!" Heather screams as we both drop the chains and start running to the door before chris gets to the outside and locks it shut. "Okay, looks like it's quarantine time! See ya, wouldn't wanna be ya" Chris yells through the door before i start banging on it, "Chris! i swear to god i'll kill you!" I yell, "Seriously weird, Owen somehow gets infected with a fatal disease?" Duncan says with one eyebrow raised as i walk to a corner and crouch down, hugging my knees
Get ready

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