Chapter 29

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Y/n's pov
I wake up the next morning in Duncan's bunk and i cuddle into his bare chest before realising i don't have my clothes, oh shit. Panic shoots through me as cover myself up with the thin covers and i look around to see them on the floor, there was also Trent who was sleeping on the floor, he must've past out. i looked around before notice Justin and DJ were both awake and Harold was sat in his bunk playing a game, crap. "Duncan" i whisper, nudging him a little as he groans, "what" he mutters out pulling me closer into his bare chest. "my clothes-" "get them later" he mumbled before he fell back asleep holding me tightly, oh for fuck sake! "Harold" I smile nervously to him, "Morning Y/n, you okay?" Harold asks as i gesture for him to come over while i pull away from Duncan and hold the covers up to cover myself. "Pass me those" i turn red from embarrassment and point to the scattered clothes as Harold turns red. "O-okay" He stutters out and runs around the room, grabbing my clothes for me, "thanks" i say, too embarrassed to look at him before grabbing the clothes. I sit there for a few minutes trying to work out how to do this. I quickly went fully under the covers and starting putting on my underwear as Duncan groans, "can you like, stop fucking around with the covers" He groans out glaring at me, "oh shut up" i say, "what?" Duncan asks, "i said shut up-" "if you think for a second i wont flick there's covers up and fuck you right infront of all of them sweetheart you have another thing coming" He says smirking at me as i turn red, "don't talk to me like" he adds as i finish putting back on my clothes and i poke my head up as Duncan pulls me into his chest tightly, "i love you emo" I smile, "i love you too princess" He smiles before we both drift of back to sleep, hungover.

                                  { challenge }
chris told us to wear swimsuits for todays challenge but i'm absolutely freezing. "Geez, it's cold" Trent stutters out as i shiver a bit, and to top it off we're all hungover. "As some of you can see, we're actually in the shooting studio" Chris smiles
"And the AC's cranked because?" i shiver, "All the cameras and lights get so hot they could melt Chef's heart and the network told my agents sweaty isn't a good look for me, Your challenge? Hang ten this deck into the big blue without swallowing tail in the soup" Chris smirks as i stare at him confused. "What did you just ask me to do?" Leshawna asks, "He means whoever stays on the surfboard longest, wins" Trent says, "Ohhh" i add. "Exactamundo groovy cats so who's going first?" Chris asks as i continue to shiver, "The team that wins will get a half-hour head start on the next challenge, and given tonight's reward, you should be fighting harder than Justin's abs over who gets first shot" Chris says, "Speaking of rock hard abs, have you ever seen my ten-pack?" Harold smirks to Leshawna before flexing his scrawny arms, "we have a volunteer" Chris smirks to Harold as he sulks before getting up on the surfboard, "Mad surfing skills activate!" Harold says before striking a pose before chris chuckles, "And please welcome the return of some season one fan favorites! The sharks!" Chris smirks as Harold lets out a shriek and i chuckle before noticing Duncan was gone, "Trent, have you seen Duncan?" i ask looking around before realising Gwen was gone too, "nope, Gwens gone too" Trent sighs as i start to worry. "My booty and I are out!" Harold yells as i continue looking around for them before Gwen and Duncan come back quietly before i hear a loud thud and spin around to see Harold on the floor while everyone bursts out laughing, i couldn't help but wonder what Gwen and Duncan were doing though. "Lindsay!" Chris calls as she steps up for the challenge, "What do you think they were doing?" i ask Trent as he looks at me with uncertain eyes, "You don't think that they-" "I don't know like, they've been getting really close recently dude and i'm kinda scared she's gonna break up with me" Trent sighs as i place a hand on his shoulder, "It'll all be fine Trent" I say sounding unsure, Duncan wouldn't do that to me, Right? Gwen would never, she knows i would kill her, she wouldn't betray me like that. "Gwen!" Chris shouts, snapping me out of my thoughts as she climbs up onto the surf board as Duncan walks over to me. A few sharks start jumping up at her as the seagulls are shot at her before she lets out a scream and falls. "Justin" Chris chuckles and i notice Duncan eyeing him down as he walks past us. He wouldn't cheat on me, he's angry with Justin for even touching me so why would he cheat? and after last night, no he wouldn't do that i'm just overthinking it. Justin quickly falls off and Lindsay and beth run to his side to help, "Y/n" Chris smirks as i take a deep breath and start to climb up the surfboard and get on before chris starts shooting the seagulls out, "gahhh!" i scream before landing in the water and i crawl out, soaking as Duncan chuckles, "Nice try princess". "Finally we have Duncan! Try nt to get your piercings wet" Chris teases as Duncan rolls his eyes, getting up on the board, He dodges all the seagulls and punches one before smirking down at Chris who stares up, looking annoyed before i feel his rough hands grab me and toss me up into the air. "WHAT ARE YOU- AHHHHH" i scream as Chris throws me towards Duncan and i crash into him, I land on the board and scratch my head before noticing Duncan, clinging to the surfboard, "Help me then!" He yells as i scramble to my feet and help pull him up. "And with that, Duncan secures victory for the Screaming Gaffers" Chris sulks, "Y/n! you could've left him and we would've won!" Trent groans, "Crap sorry" i sigh, "Gwen's team is unstoppable!" Owen smiles, "Try unstable! A ticking time bomb of betrayal, we have to stop them" Trent groans before counting to nine under his breath over and over, "Uh your secret weapon's being weird?" Owen says with a brow raised, "If being weird brings us good luck, then yeah, I'm weird. Besides, Gwen likes weird" He says as gwen smiles at him softly before we go for the second part of the challenge

                               {after challenge}
it was a reward challenge so luckily we didn't need to vote anyone off but I feel like Trent threw the second part of the challenge, i'm not sure. "Y/n?" Duncan says snapping me out of my thoughts, "yeah? sorry" i sigh, "are you okay?" He asks, why isn't he saying princess? or gorgeous? he normally adds that on. Is he doing stuff with Gwen? "Y/n!" He yells a little snapping me back out of my thoughts, "shit sorry" I say, "im fine" i say, "Okay gorgeous" He smiles before pulling me into his chest, i look over to Trent who's just staring up at the celling looking sad, "Hey Duncan?" I say, not sure if he's asleep, "mhm?" He says opening his eyes, "should i try get Gwen to come stay with Trent tomorrow night?" i ask as Duncan looks a little annoyed and i feel my heart stop, Why does he look annoyed? "Whatever" He says, "Okay well, i love you, night" i smile before nuzzling into his chest, "love you too" He says wrapping his arms around me tightly. Where's my nickname?

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