Chapter 42

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Y/n's pov
"I think today's challenges will help bring out your more primal instincts, today's genre the period movie-" "oh I love period movies! all the pretty petticoats and dresses with puff sleeves! do we get wigs?" Lindsay squeals, "chef do we have a wig?" Chris smirks as Chef pulls out a red cave girl wig and tosses it towards Lindsay, "oh, it smells like raw meat" Lindsay says looking disgusted, "that's because our period is the Paleolithic period which I thought you dum-dums might have guessed from my loincloth" Chris says before he notices Lindsay whispering to Beth, "it's the Stone Age! we're going to be cave girls no talking cave people!" Chris yells as the stop, "which means for once you're all perfectly cast" Chris smirks before pulling out a red wig, "Heather" Chris says waving the wig at her, "as much as I want hair I am NOT putting that sick thing on my head" Heather states, "no problem you look pretty Savage anyway" Chris smirks "wait okay" Heather whines as chris tosses her the wig, "cave people and prehistoric flicks do two things make fire and use tools made of bones, technically you should also know how to bring down a mammoth with a stick but since Owens no longer here, no mammoths" Chris shrugs, "here are your costumes, get into character people" Chris says before Chef rolls out a bunch of hung up caveman clothes, "you've got to be kidding" Heather groans as i look at the loincloths Duncan will need to wear before chuckling, "I never kid, actually I do but never about something this funny" Chris chuckles before we all go get changed. the girls were in a cut up leopard skin tank top with a maching skirt and the guys had loincloths, "you look perfect Duncan you're already a total neanderthal" Courtney chuckles as Duncan glares at her, "hello cast, nice to see you all decked out for the competition and might I say you all look hysterical!" Chris laughs, "who knew I'd look so hot and leopard skin" Justin smiles, "oh, i think mine still has a claw" Lindsay says pulling it out of her top. "please note no animals were harmed in the making of this television program" Chris says to the camera before turning back to us, "okay we got chef the tools for the first Stone Age challenge please, here's your rocks" Chris says as Chef walks round us handing us a rock, "rocks! aren't we taking this Stone Age thing a little too literally" i yell, "shows how much you know Y/n, rocks are an awesome resource Inuit hunters use them to build the nut shots plus they make a great paperweight!" Courtney says as i chuck my rock at her, "HEY!" she yells, rubbing her head as i chuckle, "what do you know rocks are useful" I smirk. "First team to collect a hidden firewood and
use the Flint stones to make fire earn something to help them with a second challenge, ready action!" Chris yells as we all run around to find the firewood, after we all find enough we head back the the fire pit where i see the other team putting there's down, "Quick!" Courtney yells before i notice chef grab Duncan, "hey, hey, easy there, not a lot of fabric" Duncan gasps, "hand it over" Chef groans "Oh Priya stoic pond scum, alright, alright!"Duncan sulks and hands him his lighter as we bash our rocks together, trying to get a spark, "when I was 12 my flat iron once accidentally set fire to my grandma's house twice" Lindsay smiles, "i've got to win! I was a CIT" Courtney yells, "your a total drama queen" I mutter, "why because I think you're a dog for getting back with him? Especially after he cheated, like where's your self respect? Your just his obedient mutt!" Courtney yells as i grit my teeth, "If Chris didn't save your ass, I would kill you" I spit back, "In your dreams" "In the fucking cabins! Wait till we're off camera!" I yell, "Yes!" The other team cheer "Gayhers win the first challenge! Y/n I thought for sure you'd be the first to burst into flames" Chris chuckles as i growl at the comment. "you obviously gave me fake Flint's! nobody could start a fire with these ridiculous prop!" Courtney yells, "yep still loving this crazy thing, Anyway, time for our second caveman movie challenge but first chef will pass out
your rewards from this morning, chef! weapon please!" Chris yells as Chef walks round us handing my team massive bones and the other team smaller ones, "excuse me our reward is bones?" i question, "hey for cave-people bones were cutting-edge technology and they're not your reward" Chris smiles, "hey what gives! we won the challenge! I made fire!" Duncan yells seeing he got smaller ones, "actually, you didn't, we reviewed the footage caught on camera and you made fire with a lighter which is not a stone-age tool, which means Lindsay made fire first, the grips are the winners" Chris states before continuing to explain the challenge Before Leshawna and Lindsay Get up on the podium and Leshawna quickly knocks Lindsay off with her bone as Lindsay screams before falling into the mud, "Beth and Heather" Chris calls as they both climb up onto the Podium and begin to hit eachother with the bones, "looks like Lindsey's blood-curdling screams have attracted a swarm of prehistoric pterodactyls! this should make things interesting" Chris chuckles as they dive for Beth and Heather and after a few more rounds i hear Chris shout my name, "Y/n and Duncan!" Chris yells as we both climb up, "sorry princess" Duncan chuckles before i smack him with my bone as he quickly clings onto it as i pull it back, pulling him back onto the platform, "Hey! cmon" Duncan yells before smashing his lips onto mine and i try to swipe his legs, but miss, Crap. "Nice try, Princess" Duncan smirks before shoving me off with his bone as i scream, "Duncan stay up there, The Grips have a number advantage so, Duncan if you can beat Courtney your team wins" Chris smirks as i climb out of the mud and Courtney walks over, "Unlike you, I wont lose because he tells me too" Courtney hisses as i growl up at her. Wait till i get my hands on her, Courtney quickly climbs up before smashing him in the balls with the bone as Duncan winces, Ouch. He falls off the podium, Clutching his balls on pain as he crashes into the mud, "Grips win!" Chris yells, "Yes!" We all cheer, "Your reward is, A prehistoric barbecue!" Chris smiles as my eyes light up, Finally some half decent food!

{after the barbecue}
"I brought you some chicken from the barbecue" i smile before handing him some in a small tub as he smiles "Here" Duncan smiles nervously before handing me some carnations, "Sorry for getting it mixed up" Duncan sighs before eating the chicken, "thanks, it's okay" I say before smelling them, "I liked your outfit better yesterday, and your makeup, it was more.. You" Duncan says, "I know but, do you not like me better this way?" i ask, "No! i mean, you look nice but you looked prettier before" Duncan sighs before pulling me into his arms, i ease into it and we look up at the sky before i feel a raindrop hit my arm, "wanna head back? it's raining-" I stop noticing Duncan's.. Crying? "What's wrong? Are you okay? Did i do something?" I say jumping up, "I'm so sorry" He says wiping his eyes, trying to hold back the tears, "What?" "I fucked up, I kissed gwen like a idiot, i don't even like her i was just scared everyone thought i was a pussy because, I don't even know, and she has my hoodie you love and i made up a crappy excuse, i'm a fucking idiot and now your trying to look more like Gwen and, and that argument and, i'm so sorry Y/n" Duncan cries as i wrap my arms around him. "it's okay, I promise i'll stop okay? i was just overthinking it" I sigh as he sobs softly into my arms, "I love you" I say quietly wiping his eyes as he hugs me tightly, "you wanna come back to my trailer? I think everyone's already asleep" I say softly as he sniffles and nods. We get up and he wipes his eyes before going back to my trailer and we head to my bunk before he cuddled into my chest and i wrap my arms around him as we drift off to sleep.

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