Kai: Rock and punk music! Along with alternate music!
Nya: She likes catchy rap or calm pop songs. SIRENCORE
Jay: Suprising I think he'd like rap, a lot, but then out of no where will play something completely different, like a cutsy catchy song
Cole: Cole likes calming melodies, and some rap, but the rap needs to have a chill vibe to it
Zane: Zane likes pop music. No changing it. :D
Pixel: Pixel likes Indie music. Sirencore
Skylar: Skylar is good with all music. She loves it all, but she really loved that music in between pop and rock.
Lloyd: Rock and Rap. He's loved it since he was a kid
Harumi: She likes dark pop songs
Morro: He likes horrorcore, and hip-hip like rap