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During the times when there were big grounds for fights known as colosseums, the kings often held fights for entertainment purposes there. Not just simple fights but fights for life or death.

Yoongi was the prince of one of the most powerful kingdoms, and like everyone else, his father, the king, also held those kinds of battles to death.

The rules were simple, kill your opponent or you get killed. No mercy. If you hesitate, you die.

And even though Yoongi hated that rule, he couldn't oppose anything. Even after being the crown prince, he has to follow the king's orders. He silently watched as the people lost the fight and died.

When Yoongi becomes the king, he'll try his best to stop this thing from continuing. He doesn't want anyone to die just for someone's entertainment.


One day, Yoongi and Jimin, his personal servant, were walking in the gardens as usual. Nobody knew, but they were secret lovers. Yoongi loved Jimin dearly, and Jimin loved him back just as much.

They couldn't express their love openly because a servant and a prince can't be together. And it often made Yoongi sad, but Jimin was there to console him, tell him that he won't love anyone else except his precious prince. He will kiss him softly until all Yoongi can focus on is Jimin.

They often shared intimate nights together in the confines of the prince's bedroom. Away from everyone's scrutinizing eyes.

Jimin showed him how much he loved him and showered him in soft kisses and gentle touches. Whispering praises in his ears as he made him feel the greatest pleasure.

And Yoongi would forget about everything else except his lover. He would arch so beautifully in the sweet yet burning touches of Jimin.

Jimin would tell him how he was doing so good, taking everything Jimin gave him so well.

Yoongi would preen at every word whispered in his skin, laying pliantly for Jimin to do anything he wanted. Giving him all of him and Jimin cherished him as if he were the most valuable thing in the world.

They often sneaked kisses and held hands when no one was near.

Yoongi poutily asking for more, as Jimin tried to pull away. Not wanting the prince to get in any trouble.

He didn't care about himself, only looking out for the prince, and Yoongi's heart would swell at the affection, feeling his stomach fill with butterflies.


At the moment, they were hiding behind one of the bigger trees in the garden.

Yoongi had dragged Jimin there because he couldn't control himself, and just as they were behind the old big tree, Yoongi slotted their lips together. Jimin was startled but kissed him back with the same longing, cradling his face softly.

He pressed Yoongi on the tree, deepening the kiss. After a few minutes of shameful kissing in the open, Jimin pulled away, and they were now standing there.

Both panting for air, but it wasn't enough for Yoongi as he tried to chase after Jimin's lips.

"My prince. Someone will come." Jimin chastises softly again, attaching their foreheads together, still keeping close but not enough for Yoongi, who whines in frustration.

"But." Yoongi whines again, his grip tightening on Jimin's shirt, rumpling it. But Jimin doesn't care.

Yoongi huffs when Jimin doesn't give in and lets his head fall on Jimin's chest. The servant smiles at him while wrapping his arms around his love. Yoongi nuzzels into the warmth, not wanting to part from the loving embrace.

But sadly, it couldn't last longer as they hear footsteps nearby, and Jimin immediately pulls away, leaving Yoongi pouting sulkily. The servant smiles apologetically, and Yoongi can't even get mad at him.

They both make sure they look decent before looking behind the tree to see if anyone was nearby.

When they didn't find anyone, they both quickly rushed away from their hiding and continued their little walk.

"You know," Yoongi starts with a playful tone as they start to walk back towards the castle as it was getting late, "How there is a prize if someone wins the battle held at the colosseums?"

Jimin listens to his every word attentively, not caring about the teasing tone in his lover's voice. At the question, he nods his head slowly, his eyebrows furrowing slightly.

Jimin knows the rule very well. He has been beside Yoongi every time there was a battle held because, as a prince, Yoongi has to be by his father, the kings side, and Jimin, of course, has to be there being his personal servant.

But why was the prince suddenly talking about those things? Jimin thought that Yoongi hated those, so he was a little confused.

"Yes, I know." The servant replies obediently as they near the back entrance for the garden.

"Well, the prize is that the winner can ask anything they want." Yoongi speaks as he nods to the servants and knights bowing at him in respect. Jimin walks a few steps behind, keeping a respectful distance from the prince but close enough to hear what he is saying.

"But no one has ever won a battle as far as I've been working here." Jimin mumbles when there are fewer servants as they round a corridor.

"That's true. But there have been several winners before that I've read about during my lessons." Yoongi supplies as they near the Prince's chambers.

"Oh?" Jimin utters a little surprised. Of course, there would've been winners before. He knows that, but still, he was a little surprised because he hadn't seen anyone winning during his time here.

"I was just thinking," Yoongi stretches the last word as they enter the chambers. Jimin helps him out of his outer layers and in sleeping clothes.

"What were you thinking?" Jimin asks him once they have settled in the Prince's large bed.

Jimin has a small place in the large chambers to sleep because what if the prince needed something in the night? It was just an excuse of Yoongi to keep Jimin near him, and when the doors closed, Jimin never slept in his makeshift bed in the corner of the room.

Yoongi always insisted on him sleeping beside him. Saying that the bed was big and he felt cold, another excuse to just cuddle up to Jimin.

Jimin never declined, fondly smiling at his beautiful prince and climbing under the covers with him. Yoongi immediately snuggles up to him as Jimin wraps his arms around his prince in a comforting embrace.

"I was thinking...." Yoongi teases him by prolonging his reply, knowing well how curious Jimin can get.

"My love~," Jimin whines against his hair, pulling back a little to see Yoongi's face, who is giggling against Jimin's chest.

"It's nothing, Jiminie. I was just thinking that if you won in one of those battles and asked for my hand, nobody would be able to do anything then." Yoongi nonchalantly says while burying his face back in Jimin's chest.

"But it won't happen. It's just a silly thought." The prince slurs out sleepily, not noticing the serious look on his lover's face.

Jimin didn't sleep that night, thinking about the Prince's words. He held Yoongi tighter in his embrace as a thought ran through his mind.


A/N - I'm here with another story!! This one will angsty so if you don't like it don't read.

Also you guys won't have to worry about the updates cause it's already finished!

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