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"Hyung," the prince breathes out before leaping into the elders' open arms.

And just like that, the dam breaks. All those pent-up emotions flow out as Yoongi sobs into the warm embrace.

Even after crying for days, the prince couldn't help himself but weep in his hyung's arms.

"Oh, it's okay. It's all going to be alright." The older murmers softly as he cards his fingers through Yoongi's messy hair, one hand gently rubbing soothing circles on his back.

"H-hyung." The prince hiccups, feeling like he can finally breathe a little after a long time.

They stay in the tight embrace until Yoongi's sobs calm down into sniffles and occasional hiccups. The elder keeps murmuring words of assurance in his ear to soothe him. Yoongi sniffles one last time before taking a step back.

"I'm happy you're here, Seokjin hyung." The prince mumbles as the older grins at him.

"Of course! As soon as I got the news that you needed help, I came here. I wouldn't let anything happen to you or your loved ones, Yoongi-ya." Jin says softly as he strokes Yoongi's cheek. He was like a younger brother to him.

Jin was the prince of the Southern kingdom, but being the second born, he had the liability to do whatever he wanted. He didn't have the pressure of the throne on him, unlike Yoongi. The prince smiles at the healer before they both make their way inside the palace.

Yoongi tells Jin to rest a little after his long journey, but Jin wants to check up on his patient first. Yoongi is glad that Jin said that.

They enter the room where Jimin is lying unconscious, a healer waiting there to clean his wounds and put new medicine and bandage.

Yoongi's heart is beating fast. He is nervous and scared of what might Jin say.

The healer bows to them both before helping Jin remove the old bandages and clean the wound. Yoongi watches everything with a bated breath. His mind is going haywire with all the thoughts going through it.

Jin inspects the wounds and their condition, checking Jimin's pulse and eyes as he does. His face blank as he focuses on his work.

The prince stands there wringing his hands together as he bites his bottom lip. As more time passes, Yoongi gets more and more scared with it. His already anxious mind providing the worst-case scenario to him.

"Hyung." He tentatively starts as he sees Jin furrowing his brows after a while.

The healer looks at him and releases a sigh, Yoongi thinks of the worst as tears spring in his eyes and choked sob leaves his lips.

"Hey, hey, Yoongi-ya." Jin immediately comes to him, wrapping him in a warm hug.

"Shh, shh, it's nothing. Don't worry, everything's gonna be fine. I'm here. Hyung is here." The elder murmers in his ear as he slowly rocks them from side to side.

"But-but, Jimin." The prince sobs out as he clutches tightly onto Jin.

"Don't worry, he'll be okay. Jimin will be okay. I'm here, hyung will fix everything." Jin continues to console him as Yoongi starts getting exhausted from all the crying falls asleep in the older's embrace, letting his weight fall down on him.

Jin frowns worriedly as he notices the loss of weight, but carries Yoongi gently to the bed and lays him down on it. He caresses his hair softly as he looks at both the lovers, laying beside each other. They both looked so damaged. One physically, whereas the other mentally.

The healer gets up from the bed after a while with a sigh as he decides to rest for a bit before he starts with his treatment and sees what he can do to help Yoongi and his lover.


Yoongi wakes up with a jolt as he gasps for breath, clutching his chest as he looks around frantically.

"Ji-Jimin." He croaks as he gulps, trying his wet his parched throat.

"Here." A glass of cool water is pressed to his chapped lips, as he blinks, trying to shake away the blurriness and the horrific scene of his lover falling down to the ground with blood all over him.

Yoongi gulps the water down as it sates his dry throat and sighs at the coolness. "Bad dream?" A voice asks softly as the prince pushes the glass away after done drinking.

Yoongi looks up to find Jin sitting there, running his hand through his sweaty hair, which is sticking to his face.

Yoongi just timidly nods as he looks beside him at Jimin's unconscious figure.

"What -" He tries to ask, but he can't utter those words.

"He's.." Jin presses his lips together as he looks away from the prince, his hands falling down on his lap. "Hyung." Yoongi asks, his voice vulnerable laced with desperation to know about his lover's health.

"He's... his wounds are bad," the healer starts as glances at Jimin. The barely rise and fall of his chest made his heart clench in sadness for him.

"They have swollen and badly infected, and if we don't do anything about it...." He pauses to let that sink in.

"Then?" It's barely a whisper as Jin looks up to see Yoongi staring blankly at his hands, his face and voice devoid of emotions, but Jin knows how he is tearing apart from inside.

"Then," he gulps as he utters the words he knows will break the prince into pieces, "then the infection will spread through the wounds and affect his inner body and slowly sl-slowly k-ki-kill him." He stutters out the last words. The healer didn't want to say those words.

But it's the harsh truth. And Yoongi will have to believe it, however much it's bitter.

And Yoongi's already bruised heart crushes down. He doesn't utter a single word, nor does he cry. There aren't any tears left for him to cry anymore. His eyes dry.

"Okay." The prince says, and it makes Jin look up from his lap, his eyes wide as he watches the prince sit there motionlessly.

The healer doesn't know what to say or do, Yoongi isn't saying anything else, and it gets awkward in the room. He slowly gets up from his place on the bed and stands in front of him.

"Okay," he awkwardly starts, "I'll start the treatment from tomorrow, and I've changed the medicine to put on his wounds for now to clean them a bit for the treatment." He tells Yoongi, who doesn't respond to him.

"I'll take my leave then." He bows before walking towards the door and out the room with the helper trailing after him quickly.

The room is drowned in silence except for the barely-there sounds of Jimin breathing and Yoongi's heartbeat resonating loud in his ears. He takes a deep breath to his nose before exhaling through his mouth shakily.

The graveness of the words the healer said dawning on him now as he is alone with his treacherous thoughts.

Yoongi doesn't think he'll be able to live if Jimin is to leave him. With all the guilt he is feeling.... he can't. He doesn't want to.


A/N - This story is ending. The next update is most probably the last one. I don't want to keep stretching this as I think you all are getting bored... ;-; I hope you all enjoyed this! Pls let me know your thoughts! (P.s. Sad ending or happy?)

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