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The next time the prince wakes up is by someone shaking his shoulder.

He groans as he sits up and rubs his eyes, looking around himself a little lost. Then the events of yesterday flash up through his mind, making him sit straight and scan his surroundings in alarm.

Yoongi looks at the person who woke him. It was his Jungkook, the guard who was assigned to guard his room.

"Your Highness," Jungkook bows before him as he stands there.

"What are you doing here?" Yoongi croaks, his throat feeling dry. He accepts the glass of water that Jungkook gives with a silent thanks.

"I didn't see you coming out of your room since yesterday, not even for your daily meals, so I got worried about your health." The guard replies to him, his doe eyes filled with concern. His voice sounded just as worried as his face looked.

Yoongi thought, why would the guard be concerned about him? He didn't even talk to him except for greetings. The prince decided to leave those thoughts for now as he smiled at the worried man in front of him.

"You don't have to worry, Jungkook-ah." The prince assured the guard whose eyes widened when Yoongi recognized him.

"But you haven't eaten anything since your lunch, Your Highness!" The younger exclaims with his eyebrows knitted together in concern. Yoongi's smile widens at the cute scrunched up face of the guard.

Jungkook keeps on rambling about how he has to take care of himself because he is a prince and whatnot.

At one point, Yoongi starts to laugh, and it feels good after all those stressful events. Jungkook stops as he watches him giggling, and a smile appears on his face, making him look like a bunny.

"I'm fine, Jungkook-ah." The prince smiles once his laughter has died down.

Jungkook still looks worried, but his body isn't as stiff as it was before.

"Your Highness, Mr. Park," Jungkook calls once there is a calm silence settled inside the room, reminding Yoongi of the current predicament.

The prince quickly stands up from where he was leaning against a wall and goes towards the bed. He looks at Jimin's face, which is now pale, his lips chapped and bluish in color. His chubby cheeks don't have the rosy hue that they always did.

Yoongi's eyes start to tear up again as he continues to stare at his lover. He doesn't care when the tears flow down his cheeks, soft sobs escaping from his mouth.

"Your Highness," Jungkook comes near him, putting a hand on his shoulder tentatively.

He doesn't know if the prince wants him here or not, but he has to remind him about the expert that he had called for.

"The expert you had asked for Mr. Park is coming within two days. It's on short notice, so he tried to be as quick as, but it'll still take him two days as he has to travel from the opposite side of the kingdom." The guard informs him in a soft voice, not wanting to make him more sad.

Yoongi only cries harder as he thinks that his Jimin has to wait for his treatment. He feels helpless, that he can't do anything for his lover.

He wasn't able to protect and do anything for him when Jimin went to fight, and now he can't do anything again when he is lying unconscious on his bed like this.

Yoongi feels pathetic. Even after being a prince, he couldn't do anything, couldn't save his lover.

How is he supposed to protect his kingdom? To provide them with the best? When he can't even provide treatment for his lover?

The guards' words bring little comfort and hope in him that there is a chance for his lover to be saved, and he'll do anything to hold on to that little ray of hope. The prince will bend the world if needed for the one he cares the most.

Yoongi won't let this happen. He won't crumble and let his father be satisfied. He will bring his Jimin back to health.

With that thought in mind, Yoongi wipes his tears and looks at Jungkook with a serious expression, "When the expert arrives, treat them with utmost respect and let me know about their requirements about the things they might need."

Jungkook straightens up hearing the order and nods his head in understanding before he bows and leaves the room.

The prince stays standing in the room alone with his wild thoughts.

His attention is suddenly snapped to Jimin, whose body is shaking, and small whimpers of pain leave his mouth.

Yoongi immediately orders for the royal physician as he grabs his lover's hand and tries to stay calm. Tears again gather in eyes as he tries to call for Jimin's name, but with no avail.

Jimin's body jerks and thrashes in pain, and Yoongi is scared.

The door opens, and the physician walks in hurriedly with his helpers. He immediately walks towards Jimin's thrashing body and checks his pulse, whispering something to one of his helpers before checking Jimin's eyes and then focusing on his wounds.

Yoongi anxiously watches them do their job as one of the helper brings some kind of medical drink, and the physician opens Jimin's mouth with the help of his helper and makes him drink it.

Within a few moments, his lover stops thrashing, and Yoongi sighs in relief, but it isn't long until the physician turns towards him with a serious face.

"We don't have much time left, Your Highness. We have to hurry, Mr. Park's condition is getting worse by seconds. Otherwise, like I said before, Mr. Park won't be able to....." The physician shakes his head solemnly as he walks out the room, leaving a stunned Yoongi standing there.

The prince couldn't move. His body frozen in place as he processes the physician's words. His Jimin.... his lover.... no. No, this can't be happening.


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