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It's been three days since Yoongi has been betrothed to Jimin. Exactly three days since his lover has been lying all injured and on the verge of death on the bed.

The prince hasn't gone out of the room once, not even to eat. Jungkook, the kind knight, has been bringing him food, but Yoongi never eats. The guard always tries to make him eat a little, but Yoongi is stubborn.

He has dark circles under his red swollen eyes from too much crying and not getting proper sleep.

Whenever he falls asleep due to exhaustion or falls unconscious because of being weak, he'll wake up gasping for breath.

The image of his Jimin falling on the ground with blood all over his clothes, wounded, always haunted him. It was always there. If he closed his eyes, he could see it clearly as if it had happened just now.

During these days, one of his most trusted friends, who was also one of his teachers, came to visit him.

Kim Namjoon was very humble and one of the most intelligent people in the kingdom. He taught Yoongi about the financial criteria of the kingdom. Quite a boring field to study. But Namjoon made it less boring for Yoongi by making jokes and having fun in between.

Yoongi was thankful for him. He was one of the few friends the prince had in this place. Namjoon always stayed with him and told him about how the things were in the palace.

Yoongi wondered why the king hadn't asked about him till now. Why did he let him so easily without telling him to act like a prince and do his duties. The prince was skeptical, but a little part of him was thankful his father hadn't bothered him.


The prince was sitting beside his lovers limp body on the bed. His breath was shallow, his cold body covered in thick blankets.

Yoongi was slowly caressing his sunken cheeks as he gazed at him with fondness, fear, hope, and so many emotions.

Evrytime, he hoped that his Jimin would wake up and hug him like he always did. Telling him it was all a joke, a big bad joke. But something inside him told him that it was real. It was all real.

That his Jimin was severely injured because of his stupid mouth. What Yoongi would give just to have his lover back and healthy to him.

The healer that was coming was trying his best to be as quick as possible, but it'll still take him two days to reach the kingdom.

Jimin's condition was getting worse. His wounds were starting to swell, and the fear of an infection was high. The royal physician did his every possible thing to maintain his condition.

Yoongi was slowly succumbing to darkness. A tiny part of him whispering that Jimin won't make. That he will leave him. But a bigger part of him still cringed to that little hope that the healer that is coming will help him. That he will bring his Jimin back.

The prince tried his utmost to stay sane and not lose his mind. He refused to move from his place where he was sitting on the bed.

He doesn't want to leave his lover for even a second. What if he woke up and Yoongi wasn't there? What if something happened, and Yoongi couldn't help him?

All these were constantly running through his mind.


The two days until the healer arrived were spent in pure agony. Jimin again had a stroke in the middle of the night.

Yoongi was crying heavily as he watched the royal physician make the medicine he made before and give it to Jimin, who instantly stopped and went limp.

The prince had demanded to know what they were giving his lover because he couldn't trust anyone at this moment. They told him that it was a special medicine that put the patients body in a deep sleep. (Idk anything about medicine and all that, I'm making everything up!)

Yoongi wasn't happy at first, but after knowing that it would slow down the functions of his body and help the healing process, he was calmed down a little.

As the day of the healer arriving came, it was the first time that the prince left the room. He took a long bath and dressed in simple robes.

He didn't feel like wearing anything fancy as a prince should. After getting ready, he stood at the huge entrance, a weird kind of feeling bubbling up inside him. The prince didn't know how to feel.

The hope in him getting a bit brighter as he saw who came out of the carriage.

A small smile made its way on his rather tired and solemn face.

He stepped forward as the man approached him with a big smile. His assistants carried the equipment with Yoongi's servants inside the palace.

The prince stood in front of the man who was smiling so broadly that it made him smile a little bigger, genuinely for a first time in days.

"Yoongi-ya." The man looked at him up and down his face, softening at Yoongi's state before opening his arms in an inviting hug.


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