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Jimin grabs the sword in time and plunges it deep into the sabertooths neck.

It yowls in pain before staggering back and off of Jimin, who painfully and with a lot of struggle stands up before raising the sword and stabbing the beast in his chest.

This time, the beast sways before falling down on the ground with a thud.

There is a huge silence as the crowd takes in what happened before everyone starts chanting Jimin's name.

Jimin stands there, all wounded and blood flowing from his side and arm as he breathes heavily. He raises the sword up, and the crowd goes silent. He looks at the king, "The rule says that I shall be granted whatever I wish for if I win."

The king is furious, but he can't deny his words in front of the public. "What do you wish for, brave man?" He grits out.

"I wish for your sons hand." Jimin states as Yoongi stands there frozen with shock. The knights have already released him.

The kings face turns red at the demand, but he can't deny the wish, and as the rules say, he must grant whatever the winner asks for.

Jimin has a smug smile on his bloodied lips as the king announces,

"I now announce that my son Min Yoongi is now betrothed to Park Jimin."

As soon as Yoongi registers those words, he runs down the podium but stops just as he is about to hug him, and his fear turns into anger.

He doesn't say anything as Jimin smiles at him shakily before collapsing on the ground. Yoongi flinched in his place as Jimin fell to the ground. All the anger dissipated immediately, and panick fills Yoongi as he stared at Jimin's injured body laying on the ground.

Jimin was losing a lot of blood, and Yoongi took a moment before his body came in motion, and he immediately ordered the servants to call the physician and take Jimin to his room.

He is rushing after them as his body fills with nerves again. One servant tells him that the royal physician is on his way.

They put Jimin's limp body on the bed, which is getting paler as the more blood flows. Yoongi is immediately on his side, holding his bloodied hand. The doors to the bedroom open as the royal physician walks in with his helpers.

As soon as he sees Jimin, he immediately gets to work asking his helpers for clean cloth and warm water.

Yoongi is asked to leave the room, but he stubbornly stays there, not wanting to take his eyes off of his lover for once.

As the physician does his work, Yoongi stands near the door with his heart up his throat. He didn't realize that he was crying until a drop fell down on his hand, and he crumbled down on the floor.

His body shook with his sobs as the helpers ran around the room, entering and exiting for supplies, as the physician ordered them.

The prince didn't know how much time had passed when the physician got up and came to stand in front of him, "I can't say when he'll wake up, but I have patched him up. The wounds are deep, and he lost a lot of blood."

Yoongi chokes on a sob as he hears that. It was all his fault. He shouldn't have said anything yesterday, then his Jimin would be here with him. They would've been talking about how Yoongi's day went and how he doesn't like this particular teacher.

It would've been a usual day, where they would lie in the bed, cuddling and share soft kisses and whispered confessions if Yoongi hadn't messed up everything.

Yoongi blames himself for the condition that Jimin was in right now. He was the reason for it.

Yoongi cries his heart out as the physician exits the room with his helpers after telling the prince that one of his helpers will come and check on Jimin's condition from time to time. Yoongi doesn't respond and just sits there.

The prince doesn't know how long it had been when he woke up on the floor where he was crying. Looks like the exhaustion took over his body, and he passed out there.

Yoongi slowly stands up and walks towards the bed on his wobbly legs. He stands there as he watches Jimin's sleeping form.

His middle and right arm were wrapped in bandages. Yoongi can't stop the sob that rips out from his mouth. His Jimin was lying, all injured in front of him. 'Because' of him.

Yoongi couldn't help but blame himself for Jimin's state. He slumps down in front of the bed as he cries.

The prince puts his head on the bed beside Jimin's injured arm and strares at his face, which had small scars and bruises. The tears continue to flow, and Yoongi doesn't kmow when he drifts off like that again.

The next time he wakes up is by the sunlight filtering through the windows and falling on his face. His neck and back were hurting because of the position he dozed off.

As Yoongi sits up properly, trying to stretch out his muscles, there is a knock on the door, and he gets up from the floor, rubbing his eyes of the remnants of the tears before telling the person to come in. He stares at Jimin's sleeping form as the person enters the room.

"Good morning, Your Highness," the helper bows before him, "I'm here to check up on the patients condition."

Yoongi nods as he lets the helper do his work while he goes to wash up.

When the prince comes back, the helper is getting up from the bed after checking on Jimin's condition. "How is he?" Yoongi asks, his voice hoarse after crying so much last night.

"I'm sorry, Your Highness," the helper starts as he looks down, "but I'm afraid Mr. Park's condition isn't any better. Instead, it seems to get worse. His wounds are infected, and there is a lot of blood loss." Yoongi's face pales at the information.

"Wh-what?" The prince barely croaks out.

"We need to treat his wounds immediately. Otherwise, I'm afraid that..." The helper stops, not wanting to finish the sentence.

Yoongi gasps as he stares at the helper. What was he saying? What did he mean by Jimin's condition was getting worse? The prince was in utter shock. No. This can't happen. No, no, no. His Jimin... No. Not his Jimin!

"What are you saying?!" He exclaims out, the nerves taking over him.

"I'm really sorry, Your Highness, but we can't do anything." The helper nervously states.

"What do you mean, you can't do anything?! You have to save him! It's your job!!" The prince yells out, his fear taking over his brain.

"We've done our best, Your Highness. But we'll need assistance from someone more expert in this." The helper stutters out, afraid of the prince's sudden outburst.

"Call anyone you can! Bring the most excellent physician you know. But I want my Jimin to be better and walking!" Yoongi exclaims as the helper nods scaredly and immediately scurries out the room.

Yoongi stands there panting before his legs give out, and he falls on the ground. His hands shook as he tried desperately to convince himself that Jimin would be fine. That nothing will happen to his love. His eyes sting as the tears blur his vision, and before he knows it, Yoongi is sobbing again.

Heart-wrenching sobs shook his body as he slumped on the ground.

His thoughts are jumbled up. He couldn't control himself as he cried and cried until he collapsed on the floor. His body weak from crying and not eating anything since yesterday.


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