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"My Prince!" A servant yelled out as he came rushing towards Yoongi, who was sitting in the garden beside Namjoon, who had dragged him out because he needed some sunlight and fresh air.

The prince was immediately on his feet, "What happened?" He demanded as the servant bowed in front of him, breathing heavily.

"Mr.- Mr. Park -" He stutters, taking lungful of air as he tries to speak.

Yoongi doesn't wait another second after he hears Jimin's name. He instantly dashes towards his bedroom. Namjoon follows closely behind him after he dismisses the servant, a concerned frown marring his face.

The prince paces with a racing heart as he approaches the bedroom, servants rushing around the corridors, stopping briefly to bow to him as he hastily throws open the door. The servants and other helpers there stop and turn towards him before bowing as they recognize who he is.

"Prince Yoongi," the royal physician starts as his eyes instantly go to the bed where Jin is trying to get Jimin's writhing form to calm down with the help of some servants.

A painful cry leaves his lips as he takes a step forward. But the royal physician stops him.

"Please, my prince, we need to give physician Kim space to work." But Yoongi can barely comprehend anything being said to him as he can only hear the painful yells of his lover.

"My Jimin!" He reaches his hand forward only to be stopped by strong arms that he barely recognizes as Namjoon wrapping around his middle and pulling him back.

"No! No!" Yoongi thrashes around in the hold, trying to get free and reach his Jimin.

"Shh, shh, let them work. Everything will be okay." He hears Namjoon whisper in his hair as he gently cradles him against himself, letting him cry it all out.

"Bring the medicine!" He can hear Jin throwing orders at the servants as he gets Jimin to stay still by the help of some servants, who hold him down to the bed.

The physician grabs the cup of medicine from the healer whom he had told to brew it. He smells it before bringing it to Jimin's lips and forcing it down his throat. The reaction is instant as his body goes pliant. All the writhing and thrashing stop as the servants hold him for a few more seconds before moving away.

"Okay, bring warm water, clean towels, and the medicine I told you to brew. Also, bring my bag with the black leather." Jin orders as he immediately gets to work.

He starts removing the old bandages as the servants rush around to bring warm water and clean towels.

The physician winces as he sees the state of the wounds. They are swollen badly and most likely infected by now. A concerned look dawns over his face as he continues to clean the wounds. Removing the dirty bandages and asking them to be burned.

He grabs his bag that the servant brought and opens it, pulling out a long needle and some thread. The physician gets everything he needs from his bag before putting it away.

"Clean this in boiling water." Jin tells one of the servants and gives him the needle and thread, who scurried off to get the task done.

After that, Jin picks up the clean towel and dips it in the warm water before wringing it to get excess water out of it.

The physician calmly and concentratedly works to clean the wound, changing the cloth and water when it gets dirty, and then immediately getting back to work. It takes about an hour to thoroughly clean all the wounds, and the only sounds in the room are of Yoongi's sniffles and hiccups.

He brings the brewed medicine and pours some liquid medicine into it and makes a salve from it. Jin continues to work in putting the salve on the clean wounds as the other healers and servants watch it with fascination and nervousness.

Kill or be killed//jimsu ffWhere stories live. Discover now