| 04 | My Best Friend

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Chapter 04: My Best Friend

My older sister Harlow was sitting at the marble-topped island, with Austin standing on the other side. They were leaning forwards, so close to each other, murmuring to one another. She giggled at something he said.

It definitely felt like I shouldn't be here.

"'Scuse me," I mumbled, embarrassed, as I walked around them to get to the fridge.

I literally took the furthest distance possible from them, practically squishing myself against the wall.

It felt like I was interrupting an intimate, romantic moment.

Austin's brown eyes looked up and landed on me as he leaned back.

The tension immediately diffused.

My sister slid off the bar stool, pulling herself away from his orbit.

"Hope you had fun with Will at the movies tonight, Lara," she half waved at me, "I'm going to bed."

I was already at the fridge, one hand holding onto the latch, as I half waved back, silently watching them. Confused.

Harlow glanced over at Austin in a half sultry half shy look and then quickly lowered her head as she scurried out the kitchen, like she'd been caught doing something wrong.

"Night," Austin smiled back.

A mischievous smile.

After Harlow left, I looked at him, "What was that?"

"What was what?"

"You and my sister."

"We were talking," he spoke the obvious as if I didn't have eyes of my own, "Is that a crime?"

"Mhmm," I said, opening the fridge and fishing for some milk.

Since everyone had their own dairy preferences in this house, we had cow's milk, almond milk, oat milk, pea milk... I picked a glass bottle of banana milk and set it down on the counter.

With my eyes on Austin, I tried to twist the cap open.

"No ulterior motive?" I asked him, while my mind was telling me to just drop it.

I twisted the cap harder. This should be going a lot smoother....

He shrugged innocently, "No, I'm pretty transparent. You have a hot sister."

My eyes widened and I quickly pretended to focus entirely on twisting the cap off.

Why the eff wasn't this cap opening?!

He smirked and extended his hand. It wrapped over mine and I felt the warmth of his skin, immediately relaxing my grip. He took the bottle and my fingers brushed against the inside of his hand as I let go.

He flicked off the cap in one easy pop.

Our eyes locked.

Damn, why was that hot?

"Goodnight," he said in a low voice.

He handed me the bottle.

I turned around, breaking eye contact to grab a bowl and spoon from the cupboards. I exhaled. And didn't trust myself to reply.

When I turned back, I watched him walk to the door. He must've known I was watching him as his hand rested against the door frame and he casually asked:

"Oh," he tapped the doorframe absentmindedly, "Who's Will?"

Funny, Will asked about you too.

"My best friend," I replied, setting the bowl and spoon on the counter.

Austin didn't say any more, he just extended his hand in a quick wave and walked out.

The nerve.

The tension from the room evaporated the second he left.

I felt my mind rest at ease without him here. His presence made my nerves stand on edge, like I was going to slip up in some way. Like I needed to be alert for every small movement he made.

I sighed pretty overdramatically and grabbed a cereal box from the counter. I poured myself a bowl of fruit loops.

This was going to be a long summer.

A/N: Please vote, please vote!  Especially 'cos the next chapter's already here.  A 3 in 1 special! -> 

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