| 15 | Accept Tradition

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Chapter 15: Accept Tradition

The sound of silverware and chatter evaporated as Grandpa's voice raised over us all.

His question hung in the air, "Why is he here?"

Austin had a fork halfway to his mouth when everyone turned their heads towards him.

I watched his adam's apple move as he swallowed.

He was cute when he's put under the spotlight. 

"Is that a question for me?" Austin asked, his voice carrying clearly through the room, "I don't know why I'm here. But your house is exceptional as is the food so thank you for the invite."

My father and aunt chuckled at Austin's response.

Lola caught my attention and pointed at one of the waiters who had broken their ironclad posture into a little smile. She then covered her hand over her mouth to hide her giggle.

"Who invited the boy?" grandpa asked again, sounding irritated at the lack of a clear answer.

"We did," mom spoke up, "Dad, I called your secretary earlier to let her know. Austin is staying with us this summer. He's my best friend's son and we're treating him as part of the family."

"We are?" grandpa asked, taking another bite of his veal.

"Yes, that's right."

"We're a private family, Leona. You know we don't invite guests to family dinner," grandpa informed, chewing as a waiter poured him a glass of red wine.

He made it sound like we discussed state secrets at dinner. Why can't we share ice cream with strangers once in a while? We make them dress up in these ludicrously fancy outfits anyway.

"None of us do it, Loz," mom's brother told her patronizingly.

I saw Austin frown at my uncle's comment, but I wasn't sure why he took offense.

Mom placed her hand on her lap and replied calmly, "Well, he's part of our family so if you want us to keep coming to Sunday dinners, which by the way I hate as you all know, then you'll have him as well."

Go mom.

"Why don't you try accepting tradition for once?" my uncle asked.

"Bennie, don't harp on about tradition like it's some kind of sacred rule," she told her brother.

It was mildly entertaining watching my mom squabble with her siblings. Parents always seem put together, until they're back in their childhood homes. Well, entertaining except for my uncle who can be incredibly haughty.

And I used to think Harlow was bad. 

Growing up with a mini Allen would be torture.

Dad never interferes in mom's family dynamics and he encourages us all not to either. Shame he didn't have time to give Austin the heads up on that little tip.

Austin asked from the other side of the table, "Well I was close to being family, wasn't I Bennie?"

That's coming from the kid's side of the table. The-kids-who-do-not-interrupt-the-parents side of the table.

We all looked at Austin, shocked. No one ever got involved in the adults' quibbles.

My uncle leaned forward to address Austin curtly from all the way on the other end, "My name's Benedict to you, Austin."

"Sure," Austin raised his eyebrows and continued to eat.

Uncle Benedict cleared his throat and adjusted his cufflinks once more. He faced my mother, tilting his face upwards in his haughty stare.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2023 ⏰

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