| 11 | Pumpkin

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Introducing Gavin into the mix...

Chapter 11: Pumpkin

I lasted at Gavin's party all of thirty minutes.

It's just not my scene. So many strangers, loud music, it's past my bedtime...

I could think of 101 excuses to leave, and I really just needed one: I want to go.

Will, Behati and Neha were all social butterflies. They have a lot of friends, and most of the people here were from our high school.

I waded through the crowd clustered in the entryway and tried to get out the door. My uber was already outside.

"Excuse me," I said, squeezing between the sweaty crowd, "Excuse me."

Seriously, move. I started pushing people out the way, but they were like jello statues.

Sluggish, heavy blocks. Just as I squeezed my body out the front door, a voice called out behind me:

"Not enjoying my party?"

I looked behind and, suddenly, the jello statues gave way. The door opened wider to reveal Gavin standing in the entryway. The sluggish blocks gave him space.

I guess it's his house.

"Fantastic party. I just have to get home," I assured him, looking around to find my uber somewhere on the dark street.

I tried not to think too much about how this was Gavin I was talking to.

"But it's not even eleven," he said, walking out into the front lawn.

"I turn into a pumpkin at midnight," I replied.

The loud noise from inside became faint when the door closed behind him. There were still some people around us, either walking up to or around the house, but the fresh air was instantly more relaxing than the hot, sweaty inside.

It felt a lot more personal now that it was just the two of us. 

"You got a better reason than that?" he asked me, slowing me down as he walked beside me, "Nothing about you screams pumpkin."

I tried not to smile, "I have to be up early for work."

"Where do you work?"

I mean, that was a total lie. I don't work anywhere.

"Lagoon Surf Shop," I lied.  

Way to dig myself an even bigger hole.

Austin's surf shop was the first place that came to mind.

"Fair enough. Well, who am I to keep you from your bed?" he said, extending his hand, "I'm Gavin by the way."

I know.

I shook it, "Lara. Nice to meet you."

How polite of us. Shaking hands in the middle of his frat boy party.

"You were the girl at dinner, right?" Gavin remembered, "Lowell said he knew your friend."

"Yeah, the friend he knows is Neha."

"Right," he repeated, "Neha."

There was a pregnant pause, which he seemed comfortable with.

"Thanks again for hosting," I pulled my hand back, "You have plenty more guests to take care of. I'll see you around, Gavin."

"See you around. Pumpkin was it?" he laughed at the look I gave him, "And give me some feedback on how to make this a party you'd want to stay at longer."

"I will," I turned around, "Next time."

And with what number?

I didn't have Gavin's number and it's hilarious to think he'll remember any of this conversation tomorrow.

I hurried across the street and into the waiting uber.  


Gavin's House was in a gated community twenty minutes away from my home. It was the same neighborhood that Behati lived in, so I knew the route well.

I replayed the conversation with Gavin in my mind as I was driven home. Even though he and I went to the same high school, we didn't cross paths much. Maybe that'll change this year?

I was pretty sure that after Behati's not-so-subtle hints at dinner, that Lowell must've told Gavin I was into him. And I'm pretty sure that's what made him feel confident in approaching me tonight. 

But I didn't want to be a quick and easy one night stand.

Because I like sleeping in my own bed.

"Is this it?" the driver asked, pulling up to my house.

"Yes, thank you," I clambered out.


My house is very much an early to bed, early to rise type of household. So it was no surprise to find most of the lights off when I walked in.

Just the sound of the TV in the living room as my mom likes to watch old TV show re-runs like Dallas or the original 90210 series before bed. Sometimes she'd fall asleep on the couch and sometimes my dad would pick her up and take her to bed.

Lately, I think she's been going through Buffie the Vampire Slayer re-runs.

A giggle.

That was odd. 

My mom didn't giggle often. Was she with my dad? Were they...

No, that would be gross.

And unlikely, because dad goes to bed earliest of us all.

I cracked open the living room door to have a look. 

A familiar crop of brown hair was sitting on one side of the couch, my mother and her messy ponytail on the other.

No. Way.   

I'm going to kill him.

A/N: Three guesses what's going on?  Next chapter will be out soooon!  Please vote!

Oh, and Austin works at... Lagoon Surf Shop! Here are some of the HILARIOUS shop names you came up with:  

 Lagoon Surf Shop! Here are some of the HILARIOUS shop names you came up with:  

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See ya!

See ya!

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