| 05 | Sunscreen

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Chapter 05: Sunscreen

I woke up to the sound of sea gulls flying outside and a salty breeze gliding in through the window.

One eye open, I stared at the sun streaming through the curtains of my bedroom. I stretched and pulled the linen covers off.

Summer's here.

I padded over to my wardrobe, slowly waking up in the process, and opened the large wooden doors to pull out bathing suit, white shorts, flip flops. And padded over to the vintage suitcase that served as my bedside table to grab my phone.

Life is good without a care in the world.

Flipped the switch in my bathroom and pressed play on my morning sun playlist. A clawfoot bathtub sat in the center of the bathroom, still full of pink water after my bubble bath last night. I fished out the drain, having forgotten to do that before.

I turned on the faucet and rinsed my now pink arm in the sink, while listening to music. 

Lana Del Ray in summer is a ritual, and I'm biased because our names sound so similar.

I stared at my reflection in the mirror, not thrilled to see the tired face staring back at me. Puffy face, tired eyes... thankfully my social calendar this week was pretty empty.

Just the way I liked it.

Everyone was heading off on vacation but, because of dad's work, we were still here.  

I walked downstairs, hearing music playing. I could smell breakfast wafting my way as I stepped into the kitchen.

My parents are big on natural light so the back side of our house, where the living room and kitchen are, have massive windows that overlook the back garden and ocean down below.

It's a beautiful view to eat breakfast with.

Pancakes, scrambled eggs and fruit were all laid out on the dining table, decorated beautifully.

"Morning Paloma," I greeted our chef.

She was pouring freshly squeezed orange juice into a carafe and smiled back, "Buen provecho. I made the jam you like for your pancakes today. Strawberry vanilla rhubarb."

"Ooh, thanks!" I picked up a fork, stabbed a couple pancakes and dropped them onto my plate.

I immediately went for the jam, pouring a heavy dollop onto the golden pancakes, before sitting down. From the amount of food left on the table, I could tell that I was one of the last to wake up.

Paloma's pancakes were the fluffiest, most delicious-

"Ah!" I yelped as the back door swung open and a tall guy walked in, shirtless.

"Sorry," Austin apologized, "I forgot to grab some water."

I'd totally forgotten about him.

Austin walked past Paloma who gave him a way-too-obvious one over. As he opened the refrigerator door for a bottle, she looked over at me and raised her eyebrows.

I stared blankly back.

She pointed at him and jokingly fanned herself.

Like I needed a reminder.

He turned around and caught her in the act, but she grabbed a towel and started swiping the air and countertop, "Pesky mosquitos!"

I giggled until Austin glanced at me and I quickly sobered up, cutting another slice of pancake.

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