| 07 | Personal Chauffeur

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This is the one you've been waiting for.  Some answers and some clues....

Chapter 07: Personal Chauffeur

With ray-bans on and the wind ruffling through his hair, Austin stepped onto the sand and waited for me to catch up.

Seeing Austin on the beach was like watching a fish in water. He fit in like he was made for the nature himself.

I wish I could take a picture of his silhouette on the beach. It would go so well on my Pinterest board.

Creepy, Lara. Stop it.

"You're going to surf?" I asked him, squeezing sunscreen into my hand.

"After my shift," he said, pointing at the surf shop near the lifeguard house.

He extended his hand for me to pour a dollop of sunscreen into his.

I duly did, trying to push Paloma's words out of my head.

The sky was clear, and a lot of people were out on the water today. I was excited to get in. I rubbed my face quickly with a heavy dose of SPF and moved on to my legs.

"What time do you finish? Should I wait for you to go back?" I asked, "Kinda enjoying this whole personal chauffeur thing we have going."

He laughed, "I can quit my job and be your chauffeur full time for a fee. But not this afternoon. I'm going to hang with my friend before he starts at a summer camp-"

"Oh which one? Harlow and I used to go to one in Maine every year."

Austin extended his arm over his chest to rub sunscreen his shoulder blade. I tried not to stare, but watching the sunscreen slowly blend into his skin as his hand rubbed his body in circular motions was hypnotic.

"Camp Beaver Hill."

"I don't know that one," I said, finishing up, "OK well great, have fun and I'll hopefully not die on my way home today. See ya!"

The sun was beating down and I couldn't wait to feel the cool waves of the ocean. I need to cool down.

Austin smiled at me just as I was about to turn away.

"What?" I faced him, surprised he wasn't saying bye.

"Come here," he stepped forward and reached out, his left hand brushing my face softly.

The palm of his hand cupped by jaw and with a soft motion his thumb rubbed my cheek near my lips in a circular motion.

I felt all kinds of tingles go through me.

He was so smooth, it was like a massage – calming in that sense - but also not calming at the same time.

A nerve-wracking massage because of the way it made my body react. I wanted him to stop, and I wanted more all at the same time.

Where's my therapist when I need him?

I rested my hand over Austin's wrist, "What are you doing?"

I really hoped the sunscreen was hiding the blush on my cheeks. And I hoped he couldn't feel my hand trembling ever so slightly as I held onto him touching me. 

He was warm to touch. 

"You haven't rubbed in your sunscreen at all," he chuckled.

"Oh," I slowly, reluctantly, let go of my hand around his wrist.

I watched him rub the sunscreen into my forehead; his brows furrowed in concentration, as he focused intently on doing the job well.

He was oblivious to how I was taking the opportunity to watch him close-up and personal. Soaking up the view, while I had the chance. I was very aware of how little clothing we were both wearing.  

"Thank you," I whispered, but most of my voice had disappeared. I cleared my throat and repeated myself, louder, "Thanks."

"No problem."


A dip in the ocean was exactly what I needed to cool down; in more ways than one.

Cool and refreshing, with the salty waves lapping at my chin and shoulders.

As I extended my arms to tread water, I looked back at the beach, at where we had been standing. I looked at the surf shop where he just started work and...

I thought about him coming home tonight, taking a shower and us sitting on the couch together and...

I took a deep breath and went underwater.

I need to get this guy out of my head. 

A/N: Camp Beaver Hill got a shoutout!  It's comiiing.... 

What should the name of Austin's surf shop be by the way??  Poll up on my Instagram (@NatalieInACorner) to vote!

What should the name of Austin's surf shop be by the way??  Poll up on my Instagram (@NatalieInACorner) to vote!

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