| 10 | AustinUntaylored

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Chapter 10: Austin Untaylored

"Who ordered the octopus? Please can someone take it far away from me?" Neha complained, shoving the edge of the plate in Will's direction.

Will took a quarter of the dish onto his plate, before digging in. It sat amidst a dozen colorful dishes, all laid out on the black table in front of us.

"What's the address of this place again?" Behati asked, phone in hand, "I need to tell my driver, but apparently there are two locations."

She had all of one beetroot on her dinner plate right now.

"I'll send it to you," I said, picking up my phone.

The noise in the restaurant was getting louder as the tables around us filled up. The four of us had just gotten a delicious dinner. We wanted to hang out one last time together before Behati and Will went on their family vacations this summer.

Neha suddenly tensed up. "Don't all turn around at the same time but guess who just walked in. Lara especially."

Based on that description, I didn't need to turn around.

Everyone knew.

"Gavin?!" Behati whispered excitedly.

"Yes!" Neha squealed, "And he's with Lowell, who my brother knows, so I'm going to call them over. Just act cool. That includes you."

She narrowed her eyes at Will.

He widened his eyes at the callout, "I'm just an innocent bystander over here."

I glanced subtly over at the entrance of the restaurant. Lowell, Gavin and another guy I didn't recognize had all just walked in and were waiting for a table.

There's always some debate about who the hottest guys in our year are, but Gavin usually ranks top five on most lists. He's definitely been number one on mine for a while... except that I've totally forgotten about him since AT entered my house.

Neha raised her hand in the air and loudly proclaimed, "Excuse me, waiter?"

The boys looked over, recognizing her voice. Bingo. Exactly what she intended.

"Hey, it's Neha," Lowell noticed and walked over towards us.

The other two guys stayed behind but watched.

"Didn't realize you were here tonight," Lowell greeted us, "We're just about to grab a table."

"What a surprise!" Behati exclaimed.

Her acting was terrible.

"You'll love this place," I said, trying to come up with anything to deflect from Behati's 'acting', "I'm sure Neha is about to recommend the octopus."

Handing over the mic...

"No I'm not. I don't eat fish," Neha replied quickly.

"Nice, nice," Lowell nodded, looking around at each of us, "Well I don't want to disturb you but if you're around later tonight, Gavin's having a party at his place. You should come. Your brother's coming, Neha."

"Gavin's house?" Behati repeated, giving me an intense look.

Can she make it any more obvious?

Lowell looked over from her to me, "Yeah. Gavin's house."

"Thanks. We'll think about it and see if we can make it," Neha replied cooly, knowing full well we have no plans after this, "Can you text me the address?"

"Sure, will do," Lowell looked back as the other guys were calling his name, "I guess our table's ready. See you later then."

"Maybe," Neha smiled sweetly.

"Don't forget to order the octopus," Will repeated fake-sweetly.

After he left, we waited for another few seconds before everyone burst into chatter.

"We're obviously going to the party."

"I think Lowell likes you, Neha."

"Lara, this could be your lucky night with Gavin."

I dipped some bread into the hummus and nonchalantly glanced over at Gavin taking his seat at a table in the corner of the restaurant.

"Lara," Behati repeated, "If we go to this party, I volunteer you to show Gavin how much we appreciate the invite."

"Please, he's not interested in me," I replied.

"Are you even interested in him anymore?" Will asked, "I thought you'd been successfully distracted."

"By who?!" Behati exclaimed.

"There's a guy living with us this summer. He's a family friend and he's..." I trailed off, trying to find my words, "He's hot."

There. Simple and honest.

"What's his Instagram?" Behati asked.

"AustinUntaylored," I replied automatically, not even realizing how silly it was that I knew it off by heart.

He barely posts.

Again, why do I know that?!

"Oh, he is really cute," Behati said, showing a photo of him to the table.

Neha took a closer look, before handing it to Will who brushed it away with his hand. "I've already seen the guy up close. Not my type."

"Well Lara, let's see if we can spice up your summer a bit. Gavin or Austin?" Behati said, raising her hands as if she was weighing them on a scale, "A tycoon's son or the surfer boy."

"Or neither," I suggested, my eyes wandering over to Gavin again.

He was looking at the menu and then, suddenly, unexpectedly glanced up in my direction.

I looked away, flicking my hair over my face and hoping he didn't catch me staring.

"Maybe a little attention from one of those boys will help spur the other into action," Neha teased me, witnessing the entire exchange. 

A/N: A chapter that explores Lara's world a little more.  Gavin's party is coming up along with a little more insight into what Austin's up to... :)

Please vote!  See ya soon... I'm gonna go write the next chapter of Play The Part now!

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