Chapter 1

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"Dammit! Dead end again."

The next hour or so they had gone to track Miles' location, but to no avail. He had disappeared, right before they had gotten there.

Gwen had to admit, this whole cat and mouse chase thing was way too frustrating.

As much as it pissed her off, she felt the nagging feeling of loneliness trying to drag her down. But she had to rise above it. No matter what.

"Every time we get close, he just slips away!", Gwen said. She couldn't hold back her frustration. And James, he only seemed to be in it to go back home. She understood, partly. But she also wished he cared more. Even so, she couldn't help feeling a bit annoyed if she were him. And after everything he's lost, Gwen thought, he doesn't deserve another life to be lost because of him.

Suddenly, James zipped away. Gwen followed him. The bright morning sun shone bright in the universe, and the runways started to fill with morning New York traffic. As much as she hated being in a wild goose chase, she had to admit that she liked the scenery of a lot of the different universes. Just seeing the beauty of the multiverse made her feel more positive.

James landed at a nearby cafe, and Gwen swiftly followed him.

"What exactly are we doing?", Gwen asked, curious.

"I'm grabbing a coffee. Do you want something?", James replied.

"Yeah, I want to look for Miles, not sit around in a cafe.", Gwen replied. She couldn't help but feel frustrated. Her friend was out there rotting and they were stopping for coffee?

"Can't find Miles if I'm tired.", James replied, taking his order and handing cashier a couple of dollars while murmuring to himself, "God, coffee is expensive in this universe."

Gwen just leaned against the counter in frustration. As much as she wanted to go in a rampage and look for Miles, she couldn't, and she'd have to accept that.

Gwen and James sat down at the table. James drank his coffee in silence while looking out the window at the beautiful morning sunrise. Clearly, he admired it too.

Gwen wanted to start some small talk, so she asked, "Do you... remember much about your parents?"

James seemed to be deep in thought. "Now that you mention it, not really."

"Were they nice?"

James chuckled slightly. "Yes, they were. My mom worked at FEAST and my dad worked as a firefighter."

Gwen started thinking too. What does Miles' parents think, what does his New York think? Do they think he's dead?

"Maybe we should go back to Miles' universe and see how things are going with his parents. Maybe try to calm them down.", Gwen offered.

James slightly smiled. "Whatever happened to wanting to chase down Miles, whatever the cost?"

Gwen chuckled. "His parents should have some comfort."

James looked back out the window, finishing his coffee. Then he cleared his throat abruptly and sat up. Gwen did the same. They walked out onto the street. James looked more serious, as if trying to hide every bit of emotion.

"Hey, James.", Gwen said, and James turned to her.

"Don't forget there's someone under the mask. You should show him a little more.", she said sweetly.

However, James tone was rough and gritty. "There isn't.", he replied, before swinging away, leaving Gwen to catch up.

She shot a web and prepared to start swinging.

I don't know if I can take this much longer.

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