Chapter 12

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"Megan!" I heard my momma shout. "Get up."

"Maaaaaa." I said and yawned.

She walked into my room and snatched the covers off of me. "Miss Knowles will be here in 30 minutes." My momma said.

Why the hell is she coming here...

I got up and rubbed my eyes. I looked at my momma for about 15 seconds. "Why is Miss Knowles coming?" I asked.

"So you can do some work and get on the right track." My momma stated and walked out of my room.

"MOMMA!" I shouted.

"GET UP, AND GET DRESSED." she yelled.

"Oh my godddd." I said out loud.

Getting off of my bed, I was very frustrated as I wasn't prepared to engage in any work. Besides, I don't have to do so, considering I can solely focus on music and live off the income I earn from it. Walking into the bathroom, I swiftly completed my morning routine, styled my hair, and searched for an outfit.

After entering the kitchen, I prepared a bowl of fruit loops and shared a picture of myself on Instagram. I have noticed a significant increase in my social media followers. The music video, which was uploaded by the producers, has reached 14 million views. It's truly unbelievable.

I heard someone knock on the door.

"Hey, come on in!" I heard my momma say.

I walked out of the kitchen and saw Beyoncé standing in front of the door.

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