Chapter 31

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Megan called me, informing me that she required a ride as she was intoxicated and had been left by everyone. I was in bed, on the verge of falling asleep, and Shawn wouldn't be back until sometime tomorrow morning. I lacked the motivation to get up and take action. However, I couldn't simply abandon her while she was in an intoxicated state.

I quickly got up, put on something, and left immediately so I could hurry back home to sleep. Megan shared her location with me, which was 34 minutes away from my house.

As soon as I pulled up I saw Megan lying on the sidewalk looking crazy.

I got out of the car and walked up to her. "Megan."

"Hm?" She mumbled.

"It's Beyoncé, get up and get in the car." I said getting irritated.

"Say Beyoncééééé!!!" Megan sang out.

"What?" I scrunched my face. "Get the hell in the car..."

"Okay." Megan said as she got up and headed to the car.

After aiding her entrance, I reminded Megan of the importance of having trustworthy friends when going out and consuming alcohol. "When you go out and get drunk, you have to have friends you can depend on Megan."

"I smoked weed and drank I don't know how many shots of Hennessy." Megan told me.

"You aren't gonna remember anything tomorrow.." I said.

"Yes, I am. I'm well aware of the stars in the sky, they look beautiful like you." Megan said.

"Thanks, Megan." I chuckled. "Let me put your address in so I can take you home." I said while using my GPS.

Megan started remixing 'Take me to the king' By Tamela Mann. "Truth is I'm drunkkkk, all my friends left. I'm trying to stayyyy awake for youuu im all weed-ed out..."

"Megan .. stop. That's crazy." I laughed. "Hell no. I'm not doing all that driving. Your house is 1 hour away from here."

"I need to go home." Megan said.

"Listen, I'm allowing you to stay at my house tonight. I'll provide you with clothing in case you decide to take a shower, and you're aware of where the food is if you feel hungry." I told Megan.

"Okay. Thank you Beyoncéééé" Megan thanked me.

When we arrived at my house, Megan was asleep so I woke her up so she could walk in the house.

"Get up Megan." I said while shaking her awake.

"Mmm, I'm uppppppp." Megan whined.

After Megan stepped out of the car, she began walking in a way that suggested she might stumble, prompting me to put my arm around her for support.

"We're almost in the house, you got it." I said.

"Beyoncé..." Megan called my name.

"Yes?" I responded.

"I want a hug.." She said.

"Megan, wait til we get inside." I told her.

"Noooo!!!" Megan said. She pulled me in and embraced me tightly.

She pushed against my stomach. "You can't hug me that tight Megan. It hurts.." I said.

"I love you..." Megan mumbled. "I love you, you love me.. we are a happy-"

I pushed Megan. "You're hurting me."

Megan looked at me strangely. "Why would you push me ..?" She questioned.

"I just told you that you were hurting me." I said.

After approaching me, Megan gave me a scrutinizing look and forcefully pushed me, resulting in my collapse onto the concrete sidewalk with my abdomen hitting the ground. Instantly, I experienced excruciating agony triggering my anxiety, I also felt sharp pains and peculiar cramps course through my body.

"How about that? Don't push me!" Megan shouted.

"Oh my God... oh my God..." I whined. "Megan.... Why would you-" I began breathing heavily.

"Keep ya hands awf me." Megan said.

I stood up and ran to my house door. As soon as I unlocked the door I dropped my keys and held onto the couch for balance because I started to feel weak.

"What the- I think you're on your period." Megan said while pointing at the floor.

As I glanced downwards, I observed droplets of blood and an unusual blood clot-like object on the ground. And, there was blood on my leg.

"God, please.... Please don't let this be what I think..." I prayed.

"Girl it's just a period." Megan said.

"It's not a fucking period Megan!!!!" I yelled at her. "Owwwww!!!! Oh my God!!!!" I started crying and screaming.

I was in so much pain.

"Beyoncé what's wrong???" Megan asked while looking at me.

"C-Call 911... please just call them n-now.." I said.

I felt weaker and weaker by the second.

"Okay." Megan said while searching for her phone in her purse.

After making a 911 call, I was placed on a wheeled bed by the arriving responders who then transferred me into the ambulance. Megan joined me in the back and provided comfort by holding my hand. Despite my initial attempts to stay awake, I eventually surrendered and let my eyes shut.

"Beyoncé what's going on?" Megan whined.

I didn't respond because I didn't have the strength to.

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