Chapter 49

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As I stepped foot on the familiar ground of my hometown, a new wave of contentment washed over me. The comfort of being back home, within the embrace of my familiar surroundings, offered solace.

An overwhelming sense of joy consumed me, washing away the remnants of the incredibly turbulent flight I had just endured. But At that moment, I realized just how much I already missed Megan's warm presence and beautiful face.

The first task on my agenda was to bring order to my life once again, starting with my wardrobe. Gazing at the array of worn and outdated garments adorning my closet, I made a silent vow to myself to embark on a fashion rejuvenation project. The thought of ridding myself of old ignited a spark of excitement within me.

I also need to get rid of Shawn's old stuff, I don't want to be reminded of him in any way.

I FaceTimed Megan to make sure she knows I landed safely. As I waited for her to pick up, I went upstairs and put my bags down.

"Beyoncé!!! I miss youuuuu!!" Megan whined.

I picked up my phone and glanced at her. "Hey, baby. I miss you too. I arrived safely, although the flight was bumpy. But I made it."

"I'm happy you made it safely. I saw the gift you left me.." Megan smirked.

"I can't wait to see you use it." I winked at her.

"You will, tonight." Megan said.

"Ouuu okay." I smiled. I placed my phone down on my dresser so I could unpack.

"Beyoncé! I can't see you!" Megan shouted.

"I'm unpacking. I need to clean this house." I told Megan.

"Ugh, oh my god." Megan whined.

"What now?" I chuckled.

"Sit the phone up or something. I wanna see that ass while you clean up." Megan giggled.

"Megan." I blew my breath and set the phone up. "Happy?"

"Wet." Megan bit her lip. "I love you, sexy."

"I love you more." I chuckled.

Megan observed me as I tidied up my bedroom and sorted through clothes, some of which reminded me of Shawn and brought back memories. I made an effort not to dwell on him too much, as I desire to keep him in my past.

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