Chapter 48

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Last week, I showed her around my college and introduced her to some of my friends. But, I didn't want her to stay for too long because some people were acting like crazy fans toward her. Although she didn't mind the attention, I want to make sure nobody goes overboard when it comes to her.

I cuddled Beyoncé on the couch. "You should just move in with me." I whined.

Beyoncé caressed my chin and gazed into my eyes. "I would love to, but I have a lot I need to get in order back home." She paused and pecked my lips with a kiss. "Plus I want you to focus on school because since I've been here you either skipped or left school extra early." She said.

I blew my breath. "I'll do better. Pleaseeeeeeee!!" I gave Beyoncé puppy dog eyes.

"Stop making that facial expression. You still have two years ahead, and once that period is over, I assure you that we can start working towards acquiring a house together. After that, we can prioritize our music career and relationship." Beyoncé said.

Resting my head on her chest, she gently stroked my hair. "Okay. I'm just not prepared for you to go yet. I understand that I'll see you again real soon, but it feels like it's too far away til then." I said.

"Beautiful, I promise to call you every day. We still have time to cherish each other before I leave tomorrow afternoon." She smiled and kissed my forehead.

"I have some studying to do but it can wait." I mumbled.

"Megan, you are going to do it now, and I will assist you if that'll motivate you." she said.

"Definitely motivational." I smirked.

Beyoncé gave me a serious look. "Work only." She stated.

I rolled my eyes and sat up on the couch. "Ok, okay." I said.

I got up from the couch and made my way to the bedroom to fetch my laptop and some books. Beyoncé patiently waited in the living room. I have a feeling that if Beyoncé helps me, her alluring and charismatic vibe might cause distractions. Though I'll attempt to remain focused on my studies, I won't push myself excessively..

"What do you have to study?" Beyoncé asked.

"Stuff." I mumbled. I opened my laptop and showed Beyoncé everything I had to do. I also showed her my grades.

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