Chapter 14

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My father has returned home, but he hasn't spoken to me since he arrived. Instead of pressing the issue, I decided to leave it be and went to shower. Meanwhile, my mother is on her way to work and Monie is out with her friends.

When I was done showering, I moisturized my body and went to watch something on TV in the living room. My dad was in the kitchen making ramen noodles. I also heard a lot of sirens passing my house.

"I saw the music video you did." My dad said.

Oh shit.

"Oh.." I mumbled.

He walked out of the kitchen with his bowl of noodles and sat on the couch beside me. "Are you a hoe?" My dad asked.

I sighed. "No."

"Okay, then why those words? You couldn't think of anything better to say?" He asked. "That's not talent."

I rolled my eyes. "You always have something to say, you can't just let me be great."

"Don't talk to me like that." My dad said. His phone started ringing and he answered it.

"Who is this?" My dad said.

My dad put his bowl down on the table and started getting upset.

"Are you sure?" He asked someone on the phone.

My dad hung the phone up and threw it against the wall.

"Dad, what's wrong?" I asked and picked his phone up.

"FUCK!" He yelled.

"Dad." I called his name. "What happened?"

He looked at me with a very mean look. "Get out of my house." He said.

"What?" I asked confused.

"GET OUT!" He yelled.

I shook my head. "No, I didn't do anything."

"Your mother got in a car accident and they don't know if she's gonna make it." He said lowly.

"Are you serious?" I asked while trying not to cry.

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