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As Christmas drew nearer, the school transformed into a picturesque scene, its corridors and grounds blanketed in a pristine layer of snow. The glistening landscape seemed to mirror the anticipation that filled the students' hearts, their eagerness to return home palpable with every hurried step.

August found herself amidst the enchanting ambiance, engrossed in her potion class. The air in the classroom was charged with a mixture of excitement and concentration, blending with the aroma of brewing potions.

Determined not to let the awkwardness prevail, August glanced at Rosier without making direct eye contact. The question escaped her lips before she could second-guess herself, "Are you planning to journey back home for the holidays?" Her hands deftly added Bezoar to the mortar, the silver shimmering against the darkened surface.

"One could say so," Rosier replied, a glimmer of authenticity piercing through his usually guarded demeanor. Though circumstances had forced him to conceal the truth, the reality remained-he had no place to call home. Not here, not now, not anywhere. The concept of home had always eluded Nathan, leaving him to ponder its significance in his life. He couldn't fathom the warm embrace or sense of security his friends often described. Instead, his so-called home lacked warmth, a mere facade where he was compelled to perpetually wear a mask and measure himself against other accomplished wizards. The aristocratic life, with its privileges, wasn't necessarily burdensome, yet it fell far short of providing true joy or fulfillment.

Seeking to maintain the fragile thread of conversation, Nathan gestured with his wand, delicately casting a spell over the cauldron. "And what about you?" he inquired, eager to divert the focus away from his own predicament. His gaze met August's, silently acknowledging the unspoken understanding that lay between them-a shared yearning for authenticity in a world that often demanded conformity.

She paused for a moment, contemplating her response. With a mix of sincerity and caution, August replied, "No, I won't be returning home for the holidays." Though her words didn't reveal the depths of her own personal struggles, they carried a subtle undertone, hinting at a myriad of unseen inconveniences she wished to keep hidden, at least for now.

Nathaniel toyed with the idea of inviting August over for the holidays, a flicker of hope dancing in his thoughts. Yet, he knew he couldn't act on it, not if he wanted to remain unscathed. Just the mere thought of Tom's reaction sent a jolt through his fingers, causing them to twitch involuntarily. Nevertheless, the idea continued to play in his mind, tempting him.

"Maybe you could join me during some vacation in a future. It could be a lot of fun," he proposed to August, the words slipping effortlessly from his lips, almost as if by accident.

Enzo, usually shrouded in his perpetual coldness, unexpectedly responded from behind with a seriousness tinged with a hint of sarcasm. "She sounds immensely fun," he said.

August couldn't help but seize the opportunity to playfully tease Enzo. "Did Enzo Nott just give me a compliment?" She dramatically placed a hand over her heart and smiled broadly. "Nathaniel, hold me, I'm going to faint." She feigned a swoon, her hand gracefully moving to her forehead, adding to the theatrics. Slowly, she closed her eyes, allowing herself to fall toward Rosier, who effortlessly caught her in his arms. In that moment, he lifted his head to face Nott, his curly hair bouncing along with the motion.

"Look what you have done to her, you vile monster," Nathaniel chimed in, his performance impeccably flawless. August could almost swear there was a tear forming in his eye, just seconds away from cascading down his cheek.

The sudden intrusion of Snape's voice sent a chill down her spine. She had forgotten they were in the midst of their professor's class. Snape, perceptive as ever, must have noticed August's classmates being distracted, and it was something he certainly wasn't fond of. With one eye still closed, she peeked out from Rosier's hold.

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