𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒕𝒘𝒆𝒍𝒗𝒆

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As August and Abraxas made their way through the empty halls, a hushed silence enveloped the corridors, intensifying the air of secrecy that hung in the atmosphere. The soft echo of their footsteps reverberated, amplifying the sense of solitude that permeated the surroundings.

"Did Nathaniel tell you why we are having this meeting?" she asked, a mischievous grin expanding on her lips with each step she took.

Occasionally, they would pass by a suit of armor, standing stoic and motionless, as if guarding the secrets of the school. The flickering torches along the walls cast flickering shadows, creating a dance of light and darkness that mirrored the mysteries that lay hidden within the castle's walls.

"No, I am afraid he did not," Abraxas responded with a seriousness that was not uncommon, concealing any hint of guilt he might have felt.

"Oh, you boys and your little, tiny funny secrets," August teased, playfully squeezing Abraxas' cheek. A soft chuckle escaped her lips.

The rising guilt within Abraxas began to weigh on him.

"What secrets are you talking about?" he asked, a worried, false grin tugging at his lips.

"You tell me, you naughty, mysterious, golden curls boy," August replied, unable to stifle her laughter at her own playful remark.

As they ascended the grand staircase, August's laughter faded, her mouth falling open in awe at the magnificent sight that unfolded before her. The staircase, like a regal serpent, stretched out with elegant curves, its steps adorned with intricate carvings and polished to a gleaming shine.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" commented the eldest Malfoy, his voice tinged with a hint of pride as he observed August's amazed expression.

"I'd rather you just call me August, thank you," she interjected, her tone firm but laced with a playful undertone. "And you, my dear golden curls, are not so bad yourself." she added, pushing on his chest with her index finger.

Just as their banter reached a crescendo, their laughter abruptly transformed into a scream of surprise as the stairs beneath their feet sprang to life, shifting and moving in a wild, unpredictable dance. August's balance faltered, and she flailed her arms, desperately trying to regain her footing.

The portraits lining the walls displayed shock and disbelief, their painted figures frozen mid-gasp, their eyes bulging comically. The scene resembled a painting by a wizarding artist, capturing the chaos and absurdity of the moment.

Abraxas, quick to act, reached out with lightning speed, catching August and pulling her towards him. In a spectacularly ungraceful fashion, they tumbled to the ground, limbs entangled in a comical heap.

August's laughter erupted like a symphony of joy, echoing through the corridor, while Abraxas, initially filled with fear, found himself succumbing to the infectious hilarity of the situation. The gravity of their predicament dissolved into fits of laughter, their mirth echoing off the stone walls.

As their laughter subsided into breathless giggles, August and Abraxas laid on the ground, their eyes meeting in a shared sense of amusement.

As they gathered themselves and prepared to continue their ascent, Abraxas took a cautious hold of August's elbow, ensuring their steps would be steadier and the earlier mishap wouldn't repeat itself.

"Oh, look at us now, the best of friends!" August exclaimed, her surprise evident in her wide-eyed gaze. The comment struck Abraxas with a pang of guilt, knowing the hidden truth that lay behind their newfound camaraderie.

"Abraxas and August," she whispered, her voice filled with concentration. "August and Abraxas," she repeated, this time louder. Her expression shifted to one of fascination, and she suddenly came to a halt, leaving Abraxas curious about her newfound realization.

Begged and borrowed time - Tom RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now