sinking ships, growing feelings

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CHAPTER 2. sinking ships, growing feelings.

The two girls slowly walk inside the not-finished house. Mirabel and Kie mutter to themselves about the top-notch furniture and unnecessary luxuries being brought to the building.

"Like can you believe it? This was a turtle habitat. Does no one care about the environment anymore?" Kie looks furious as she whispers to her best friend.

"Kie, they're rich. You need to accept that they simply do not give a single fuck about anything other than themselves." She murmurs as she touches what seemed to be a very expensive looking vase.

Kie sighs as she grabs Mirabel's hand before the blonde girl can break something and pulls them both outside to watch the boys. John B is on the top of the roof, balancing on one leg while the other two watch and comment on the stupidity of their leader. Mirabel puts her hand to her forehead to shield her vision from the harsh sun rays and a wide smile forms on her pink lips. "I hope he falls."

Kie smacks her arm. "Bel!"

"What? It's John B. A meteor could land on his head and he would survive." She said, then muttered. "Little cockroach."

Kie ignored her comment but an amusing grin appeared on her face. She copied Mirabel's hand posture and watched the boys. "They're gonna have Japanese toilets with towel warmers."

"Of course, why wouldn't they?" JJ commented from his sitting spot. He smiled at Mirabel as she rolled her eyes.

"I have Japanese toilets. Guess I know what my next purchase is." Mirabel smiled ironically.

JJ had a serious expression as he muttered. "Please do. I can't have cold towels."

Pope laughed. "Wait, do you really?"

Kie was serious. "Guys this is serious. This used to be a turtle habitat, but who cares about the turtles, I guess?"

"Sarah Cameron does." JJ laughed at his girl's quick-witted answer.

Kie glared at her. "You're funny today, huh?"

"I'm hilarious."

Pope nodded along, JJ following.

"She is hilarious." Mirabel winks at the clever boy.

"She is."

John B, who had focused on the discussion, loses his balance a little and takes a dangerous step in the wrong direction. The curly headed brunette looks up and sighs. "Can you please not kill yourself?"

JJ brings his blue eyes to his best friend and points at him while holding a beer. "You better not spill that beer. I'm not giving you another one." He says while taking an unopened can and throws it to Mirabel, who winks at him.

They both stare at each other. The girl raises an eyebrow, almost taunting the boy as he smirks down at her. Their eyes lock and the voices of the rest of the group fade away. A sudden noise break their stare and Mirabel blinks to herself to wake up from the enchantment JJ Maybank had put her in. She glares at the side of his head. Mirabel hated feeling like this about the boy, this fluttering emotion growing inside that consumed her until she only thought of him.

His eyes.

His touch.

His laugh.

His voice.

His arms.

His body.

"Of course you did, right when I told you not to." She blinks as JJ speaks.

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