to be needed, to be loved

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CHAPTER 3. to be needed, to be loved

Mirabel was laid down at the back of the boat. Her mind going back and forth to the strange feeling she got about their current situation. She had laid down at the end of the boat trying to get a nice tan for the summer, away from the others. Guilt gripping her body as she thought of the calories she had consumed because JJ Maybank had asked her to. She sucked in her stomach as she heard the laughs of her friends and steps slowly making their way to her.

Kiara's sunglasses framing her face as she closed her eyes and enjoyed the sun's warmth on her sensitive skin. A pair of hands lifting the sunglasses interrupts her train of thoughts. She knew who it was before she opened her eyes.


JJ Maybank's voice filled the tense air as he sat on the floor, knees bent, elbows resting on them as his striking blue eyes met her hazel ones. She sighed and stared back at him. He winced as she had smacked him.

"What do you want, JJ?"

"Are you still mad at me?"

She let out a laugh void of any joy and he bit his lip, awaiting for her response. He knew he had fucked up with the joke, but he was trying to get a reaction out of her. The past few days had awakened something inside of him, an insecurity that had disappeared that February night where she had kissed him. And now it was back, all that he had wanted was to know if she really cared for him the way he cared for her.

"What do you think, JJ?" She sat up and looked down at him. "Like what was going on inside your head to think that was acceptable? To me? Do you even care?" Mirabel almost looked sad.

JJ closed his eyes. "I'm sorr-"

"Don't" She rubbed her stomach. "I was scared, JJ. I thought you had died. What made you think I would find that funny at all?" She was almost shouting now.

"No. No, it was a dumb joke, okay? Just me being a dumbass like always." He whispered and looked down. He felt horrible, always fucking up just like his father told him. A fuck up.

Mirabel bit her lip and closed her eyes for a second, she knew what he was thinking, and as mad as she was, she was not going to let him think of himself that way. "No, JJ. Like, yeah it was dumb but, it just scared me a little."

JJ coughed up a little and Mirabel continued. "Just don't do it again, okay?" He nodded and got up, standing in front of her. She got to her feet and hugged him tightly against her body.

"I can't lose you, JJ. I don't know what I would do if you weren't in my life." She whispered in his ear. His eyes watered, nodded and caressed her hair as the embrace held him captive.

It was nice to be needed. It was nice to be loved. They both thought.

When they arrived at the coast guard office, JJ and John B went inside to inform the employee of the wreck the group had found. Meanwhile, the golden trio waited outside and talked among themselves.

"How is it going, Pope?" Mirabel didn't have to specify what she was asking about.

Pope smiled at her and informed her of his doubts. She nodded and Kiara looped her arm with her as they talked.

"Are you preparing for the interview? Because I can act as the interviewer and do a run-test with you." Mirabel smiled at him and he smiled back in gratitude.

"Yeah, that will be great. If you don't scare me and I can answer confidently, the interview will go smoothly. Thanks a lot, Bel. Sometimes I think you are the only one who cares." He stared at Kiara but the curly haired brunette was looking inside the office to watch over the two boys. Pope sighed and Mirabel winked at him.

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