Chapter 15

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Cafeteria was something John avoided throughout his years in high school. He claimed it would tarnish his reputation if he were to share and eat the same meal I would be eating. Cruel was his strongest trait.

But it would be the very first time his vile behavior would benefit me. The staircase was longer than I thought. Each step led me to another one and I grew irritated each time I was not met with the floor. A part of me wanted to jump down there were not many stairs left and I doubt I would be in any pain but how could I risk exposing my whereabouts and leading him straight to me. I jumped and landed with a small thump from the last step of the staircase.

 I couldn't control myself. I continued to walk until the dark brown walls vanished and I was met with the white ones leading to the cafeteria. The closer I got, I saw a line forming outside the doorstep of the cafeteria, lucky for me the long line of people waiting did not reach all the way to the hallway. I hurried to the line and waited until it was my turn. As I waited I took the time to think about how I would avoid lingering in the hallways and be quick to reach my dorm. 

I don't think I had the mental strength to handle John today because my mind was still focused on how weird Thomas' behavior was. I took the tray in front of me and reached for the fresh vegetables, potatoes and salmon. When I was satisfied with my choice of plate I walked over to one of the empty tables and left my tray there and walked over to where the glasses were and filled it with cold water.

 I took the chance to look over my surroundings and only saw unfamiliar faces which was exactly what I needed in this situation. I headed over to my table and sat down. The salmon was covered with some red sauce. I hoped it was sweet chili; one could never go wrong with that. When I took a bite of the salmon I tasted sweet chili and was overjoyed. I cut up the roasted potatoes and dipped them into the red sauce with the salmon and washed it down with water.

 I was already thinking about getting another plate when I finish this one. It was quite a long time ago when I had a warm cooked meal. My grandma was not great in the kitchen and had burned the food a couple of times but I still finished my plate. I continued eating my food and couldn't help myself but to take a huge bite it tasted much better than eating small bites of the salmon. 

The cafeteria was not empty nor was it loud enough for me to not notice quick footsteps coming close to me with enough determination that it made me shift to the direction of the sound the first thing I saw how they abruptly stopped when I turned my head to their direction and the squeaking sound that came from their shoes was the proof I needed that they was planning on sneaking up to me.

 I swallowed my food when they sat across from me. I didn't pay them any attention and drank from my water but when the girl in the middle reached forward I noticed how she and the two other ones were dressed up as the old ones in John's crew. 

She wore the same signature ponytail and the other two had their hair down, I could feel the feelings I buried deep inside me coming to the surface. My memories were triggered by the similarities between them. Even if she did not know it did not matter to me because all I could see was how she played with the end of her ponytail the same way as her. 

I turned away to my right side and tried to think of a way to get out of this situation. I felt trapped more when a chair was dragged next to mine and blonde hair came to the surface as he bent down to sit on the chair. His hands were laid on the table and he stared at me with empty cold eyes.

 I knew that he only laid his hands on the table to make me see they were closed in a fist but I could see clearly how this was only an attempt to make me feel trapped and tormented as I did years ago. What John did not know was that I was aware of his psychological attempts to drive me crazy and I was no longer in his home base where he had all the control. I calmed myself down knowing that he was in fact in my home base and that for once I could tell what he had planned out for me. 

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