Chapter 13

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His gaze followed me as I signaled my androids to step out of the office and follow after me. Not wanting to save enough time for the director to ask me questions on how I had authority over the androids I picked my pace up and slammed the door after me as I walked until we were far away from the curious eyes.

 When the coast was clear I showed my approval and gratitude to the androids about how excellent they performed. I quickly informed them that they should remain in my dorm. It is the safest place and far from the curious eyes the last thing I needed was to let the androids roam freely and a director watching me like a hawk. If those two ended up meeting without my presence I would be doomed.

I walked by several long halls filled with light brown walls painted in the form of an oak tree. My phone lit up with a notification and I stopped in my tracks and looked over my shoulder before I opened my text message. A two sentence message from Thomas describing the number of the classroom my classmates attended. Did he already know about the reason behind my absence? There has been several gossip and whispers about the day of my arrival. Surely some of them must have seen or caught a glance as I left the director in the principal's office alone with his thoughts.

 It would be difficult to be unseen when my androids were right behind me and their loud heavy footsteps echoing through the halls. I had to mentally prepare Thomas to ask me any questions about my whereabouts or the director's rare arrival to the university. I would despite being caught like a deer in a headlight when the suspicious questions would swarm me. If I played my cards right I could for once find out if Thomas is the one behind the reason for the gossip flooding in the groupchat he spoke of. I have mixed emotions even though I saw a solid proof of how Thomas is not the person he seems to be. 

When I arrived at the end of the hallways I reached a dark brown staircase which shone when the sunlight hit the large windows. It gave an illusion of the staircase being painted in a shiny dark brown color. Each step I took brought my thoughts deeper into how Thomas was not exactly the golden student as I thought he was. I have a habit of searching every small detail and information of the people around me and that time will come when I have my own reasons to act upon it. 

Focusing my attention back on the staircase I noticed there were more stairs ahead of me I could not believe my eyes as I looked behind me to see if the stairs I walked on were really behind me. The stairs in front of me lead to another floor. There was nothing more in life that I despised when the road was not a dead end and being met with another path. I was defeated and simply braced myself and headed for the long stairs.

 When I arrived at the hallway I stopped in my tracks and searched for a door with silver plates with the number 202. I walked further into the hallway until I saw the door I was looking for and when I was met by it I grabbed the door handle and unconsciously put too much weight on the door handle and sent the door wide open. 

I was met with curious eyes and the further I looked down I saw each of them staring at their phones, their eyes scanned through as if they were reading something far more interesting. For a split second I thought I heard notifications when I entered the room but I quickly brushed it off when I sent the door wide open. Now that almost everyone is staring at their phones and then switching their gaze on me I realized that their irritating group chat must have found a brand new rumor about me. I was never the type to look away if several people stared at me especially when I am about to be the cause of an unforgettable artificial intelligence history.

I could care less about their new topic for the day as I walked over to where Thomas was sitting and took a seat beside him. He stared at me for a while and I felt my heartbeat pulsing through the vein in my throat. I felt my hands become soaked with sweat and I quickly wiped it off on my jeans. I truly did not know if I was nervous because of the confrontation I had to enforce upon him or the burning heat in my chest when he came closer. Whichever the case was, I had to do something before I became engulfed with the flames. 

I turned my gaze to the professor and was met back with a small nod. I suppose the professor was informed about the reason for my absence the way he brushed me off with a simple nod, meaning I did not need to explain my whereabouts to him. I turned back to Thomas' direction before I could speak with him. His attention was on his brown bag as he dug through it. I simply waited until his attention was back on me as I watched him reach for an item with a swift movement. His phone was close to my face with the brightest light and I took it out from his grasp and turned the light down. 

We could get in trouble if the professor saw us not writing notes down and focused like most people were. I shielded the phone with my body and turned completely to Thomas' direction and put one of my hands over the phone casting a darker shade over it. I could practically feel every muscle in my face turn cold as I stared at the picture shared in the group chat. It was the director sitting in the golden chair with his face captured, meanwhile the only thing showing the presence of mine and my androids were our backs turned away from whoever took this picture. Before I could ask Thomas any questions the professor loudly brought our attention. 

'' Some of you may have heard that your next lesson will be about a group assignment where your unfinished work on either robotics or artificial intelligence has a huge chance to be completed by the end of the month. We have an expert who will share the knowledge many of you lack. Don't be hard on yourself.

I know there are many among you who struggle to meet the ends of your goals. That is why we as the teachers came to that agreement that each one of you deserves to finally be able to finish your work.'' Said professor Brown with excitement in his voice and full determination to make sure his students succeed. 

I let the professor's words replay in my mind, an expert who has the knowledge my classmates seek? If I was supposed to be this expert I would have been informed a long time ago. We have another lesson after lunch leaving too little time for me being the expert who would guide my classmates to their succession. Unprofessional was something the professor at this university wasn't because how principal Owen came to my dorm to inform me about the director was all the assuring I needed. 

I turned my attention back to Thomas, and carefully wondered about the words I would choose. Was I supposed to convince him of something? Could he be suspicious of me or did he simply inform me about the picture because of how John would react. My mind slipped back to how John would truly react. I could feel my heart drop as I could see the images of his wrath. 

'' I tried to track down who could be behind this but the group chat has students from other classes. It could be anyone. My biggest worry is that John has already got this picture in his hands. Since he is a member of the group chat.'' Said Thomas with a whisper, I could hear how his voice shifted from soft spoken to a concerned one. 

I could see his efforts in trying to comfort me by how he waited for my reaction and how his eyebrows became drawn together when he saw the worried expression on my face.

'' Thomas, You know well what John is capable of as he went into a rage that day afraid that I would be simply tutored by a professor he could not get his hands on even if his father paid for it. He could be here any minute finding my schedule is not that hard for him especially when he has an absurd reason to do so. ''

I said with a stern voice I tried to master but the fear dripping in my voice did not go unnoticed by him as his eyebrows softened and the unconscious movement by his hand resting closer to mine. I draped my hands back in and did not want to send wrong signals to him for I was in no place to have the courage to blossom my feelings towards him. I had already set my mind on that it would not matter if I developed any feelings for him because I wouldn't act upon it. I have far other things to prioritize and drive my mind restless on.  

'' Don't worry, This time I won't go to the bathroom like I did before as long as I do not leave you in an open field he can't charge against you without me destroying his brakes. Our work is very similar. I doubt there is a professor who could tutor us and our work is far too complex to be met by a simple professor. When John hears that he will realize how insane his behavior is towards you.'' 

I simply stared at him as I felt every muscle in my face became cold and mustered every strength of mine to not show him that he by mistake revealed his true intentions towards me. My mind was racing and I tried to calm my senses down but when a heavy rain took over the quiet classroom I could no longer ignore the signs in front of me. All I could do was send a faint smile back to show him that I appreciate his efforts to help me out. He returned the smile back towards me the minute his eyes focused on the professor. I turned to the other side and let all the emotions become visible in my face for a split second in order to control my facial expressions through the lesson. 

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