🍑Nsfw Alphabet Male Y/n🍑

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I got my first request:) I am very new at this so please tell me if I made any mistakes
Request by @mgmendez2305
‼️WARNING‼️: smut up ahead/ mentions of it


A-Aftercare: Miguel would be the best at aftercare. Although he enjoys those intimate moments you spend with him, he wants you to be alright. He would probably kiss any places he might've been rough on. That includes hickeys, bruises, cuts, etc. He'd help you get cleaned up, dress you in fresh clothes, change the sheets, and then lay you back in bed.

B-Body Part: Miguel is definitely the kind of guy who loves thighs. But also your collar bone and neck. He is most likely to leave hickeys there.

C-Cum: Miguel probably has a thing for cumming in you. You're definitely into it too. There's something about how tight you get when he cums in you that just turns him on again.

D-Dirty Secret: Miguel's dirty secret is that he likes to fight for dominance. He loves it when you try to be dominant and he has to fight for it. It turns him on, and he loves to see you squirm and fight underneath him.

E-Experience: He's probably had an experience or two in the past. But never like this. He's learning how to pleasure you, even though you have no experience. But Miguel knows his way around your body.

F-Favorite Position: Honestly, I think it'd be bent over a table, or pinned up against a wall, preferably the shower wall.

G-Goofy: Miguel takes this time he has with you VERY seriously. No joking around when it comes to you.

H-Hair: Miguel is a hair puller. He won't do it to the point he tears it out or anything like that. He just loves the rush he gets from doing it. And he knows that you do too. The low moans you let out when he pulls your hair turns him on even more. Making him inpatient to fuck you.

I-Intimacy: You guys are very romantic during these moments. Miguel praises you constantly, and you praise him too whenever you're able to catch your breath.

J-Jack-off: Fuck yeah. You guys spend a lot of time apart due to work. But you guys love to masturbate to pictures of each other.

K-Kink: He definitely has a saliva kink. He loves to see you glistening with his saliva. You definitely have a hair pulling kink. You love it when he grabs a fistful of your hair and makes you look up at him.

L-Location: Probably on a table or the bed.

M-Motivation: Just the thought of being alone with you turns him on. He'd do anything just as long as he ensures some special time with you.

N-No: Miguel will always refuse to do anything that could extremely hurt you or cause you mild pain. He would refuse to do any of that bodily fluids/matter on you (pissing, throwing up, etc).

O-Oral: Miguel prefers that you give him oral sex. But only if you're up for it. He doesn't want to do anything you're uncomfortable with. Instead of giving you oral, he prefers to tease you and make you beg for it.

P-Pace: Miguel is FUCKING fast. He wastes no time whatsoever with you. Honestly, it's surprising how fast he can go. Sometimes he'll go slow if he knows that you're really tired, or if you're not up for anything too heated.

Q-Quickie: You guys prefer not to do quickies. You guys like to take your time with each other, and sometimes do multiple rounds in one night. But due to his and your work, quickies are normal to you guys. As long as there is a wall or a desk, you guys are doing a quickie.

R-Risk: They love to try out new things. You guys are both pretty adventurous and are up to almost anything. And if it doesn't work out, you guys will go back to doing what you guys know you'll enjoy.

S-Stamina: Miguel can go for multiple rounds in one night. They'll usually last 20-ish minutes. Depending on your mood and his mood.

T-Toys: Yep. You guys own toys. Miguel uses them on you. But you love it. It just adds more flames and excitement to everything.

U-Unfair: Miguel LOVES to tease you. Just seeing you squirm and beg for him is enough to make him orgasm. Every once in a while you'll tease him but it doesn't end well. Hell usually end up teasing you more than usual and being tougher with you, taking you with haste.

V-Volume: You're louder. You can't hold back your moans and pants. Miguel is more quieter. He still groans and let's put some soft moans and grunts.

W-Wild Card: Honestly, I'm not sure. Technically he IS the wild card. You'll never know what awaits for you that night. Every time you do it, it's like you guys are covering new terrain.

X-Xray: All I know is that he has a BIG dick. Probably 7-8 inches when he's hard, and 6 when he's not.

Y-Yearning: Both of you guys have a high sex drive. He can't wait to get his hands into your body, and so can't you. Every kiss, every touch, every thrust, is heaven.

Z-Zzz: You're usually the first to fall asleep. Once Miguel makes sure that you're ok, he begin to drift off into sleep as well.

Done:) I will do a female y/n version of this if asked to.
Word Count: 951
Thank you for reading!!


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