Part 1

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My eyes watched as the cup flew through the air and barely missed my face, the handle of the mug just scraping passed my ear before it smashed against the wall falling to the ground in a thousand pieces. "See what you make me do!" My husband screamed at me, coming closer and getting in my face, his breath hot against my skin.

I kept calm, I couldn't let him see that I was scared, I couldn't crumble at this moment.

"Speak to me, Natasha! Say something!" His voice sounded almost desperate like he needed to hear my voice.

It had been 5 years since we first got together, I was 16, he was my sweetheart. Granted when I met him, James Langford, he was several years older than me, scratch that he was 10 years older than me. I thought it was cool, I thought he was the be all and end all. At the age of 18, once my mother and father could say no more I married him. I thought it was going to be all roses. After a year he turned to drink, maybe he was already a drinker, maybe he hid it well, but a year later there were bottles all over the house. As for me, my life was suffering, I no longer had any friends, no family to turn to, my mother and father had disowned me for disobeying them and disrespecting their wishes and lastly no career. James then told me a year and a half after marriage that he wanted to have children with me, I knew there was no chance of that happening, even if I wanted to. No words that I told him got through to him, no matter how I explained and how much, he just didn't understand.

Now I was 21 and still, no children have appeared in our lives, just like I told him and he is angry about it. His drinking is ten times worse, not only does he drink but he dabbles in drugs.

"Are you even listening to me?!" He hands slams against the wall behind me, the same spot where the cup had hit after being thrown.

"I am," I spoke strongly. But I know I am not strong, I know that any second his hand could connect with my face like it does on a daily basis from now on.

"Be a good girl and get me another drink!" He snapped before he quickly finished the drink on the side. He had taken a few steps away from me to get his drink.

I quickly turned to the fridge and grabbed another bottle for him, I thrust it in his direction before trying to make a quick exit. His large right arm grabbed my arm as I got to the door. "Where do you think you are going?!" James scared me at the best of times, this was the one of the worst of times, things were about to get worse.

He leaned forward and pushed his lips against mine, the taste of alcohol against my lips made me want to gag, either that or it was him repulsing me. Probably both.

"Don't," I spoke as he looked at me.

"What's wrong Natasha?!" He shouted, "Thought you wanted a baby, I thought we had it all worked out. Thought we would have at least 3 by now."


"Don't even complain!" He warned, "We don't even have one yet." He was getting worse, "Are you doing this on purpose?!"

"I have to go James." I spoke quietly, "I have a job interview."

He laughed coldly, "You mean you are going to sleep with someone to get a job, you have always been a wh*re!"

I took a deep breath before I yanked my arm from his grip, "I will see you shortly."

"Don't be too long." He looked at the clock, "I will be waiting."

I nodded at him before I quickly dashed from the kitchen to the hallway, I grabbed my bag and left the house closing the door behind me.

Finally I got around the corner of the street before I grabbed my mirror from my handbag, I inspected my face, the bruise on my cheek had started to fade, I put my mirror away and headed further away from my house before I took my phone from my bag, I didn't even hesitate before I pressed the call button. If I had even thought for a second I wouldn't have one it. I listened as it rang, I was afraid there wouldn't be a dial tone, now I was afraid there would be no answer.

"Hello?" His accent answered, thick with posh Queen's English.

"Stu?" I spoke in a whisper.

"Tasha?" His accent seemed to disappear, back to our normal English accent, his voice full of concern and worry. "Are you okay?"

"I need your help," as much as I wanted to break down and tell him everything I couldn't. "Can you help?"

"What do you need?"


I heard him let out a deep breath, "What has happened Tash?"

"I just need to get away from James, I need enough for a deposit on a flat or something."

"What has happened?"

"Please Stu," I begged.

"We have to go, Barrett!" I heard a shout in the background of our call.

"I'll call you later Tash," he told me before the call went dead.

I groaned, I knew there wouldn't be a later, I knew later I wouldn't be able to answer that call. It would be at least a few days before I even had a chance to try and call again. The interview was a good excuse to get out of the house, I couldn't use it for another 2 weeks, James will definitely get suspicious.

I rounded the streets before finding myself on my old street, back outside my childhood home, where I had spent the best years of my life. I stood and looked at the front door, my eyes looked up at the window of my old bedroom.

"Tasha?" I heard a voice from my past, I looked back at the front door where my mother stood. "Tasha is that you?"

I smiled at her, "Mum?"

"Come here," she pulled me to her and threw her arms around me, pulling me into a hug. I hadn't felt as safe as I felt right now since I got married. "I've missed you."

"I've missed you too."

She kissed my forehead as she looked at me pulling away from the hug. "Do you want to come in?" She looked around, "Where is he?"

I bit my lip, "I better go."

"Tasha," she looked at me, she was getting old nowadays, she obviously had missed me, not knowing if I was safe or even alive. "Do you need anything from me?"

"I need to get out." I told her, "You were right."

She kissed my forehead again before I gave her a weak smile.

"I best go, he's watching the clock."

My mum nodded, "I'll sort it for you."

"Don't." I spoke, "I love you." I walked away as I heard her repeat the words to me, I quickly made my way back to the house. Once inside I say James passed out on the sofa, an empty bottle of gin on the floor next to him.

This is my life.

Desperate Measures (Dean Ambrose FanFic)  COMPLETED ✔️Where stories live. Discover now