Part 42

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I jumped up onto the barrier and still Dean kept his eyes on me. I walked along the barrier like you would do when you was little walking along the walls. I used my stick before jumping down onto the floor and just staring at Dean Ambrose, I smirked a little, maybe it was because I was nervous, I took a few steps before I slid into the ring keeping the stick close to me. 

He didn't move, he watched as I stood up and came face to face with him. I probably should have scrambled at that moment in time, I stood my ground and rose the stick up before hitting him in the side, he seemed surprised like I wouldn't if he stood up to me. I took a deep breath as he winced at the hit and the sound and the sound the crowd made in response. 

I then went to do it again as he was a little distracted, I got the second hit but as I went for the third he grabbed the stick. I winced at this, that must have hurt his hand but he clung to the stick and yanked it from my hands. I took a step back as he twirled the stick in his hand and smirked. The crowd seemed to like whatever he had planned and knowing him it was probably something that I wasn't going to like. 

I couldn't have been more right when I thought that because he used the stick to push me into the ropes, he stepped closed and then hit me in the leg with the stick, the crowd most the 'ooh' noise again as the stick connected with my flesh. Well that was going to bruise. 

What was I doing? I had some training with Mick Foley, I wasn't afraid of a little bruising or of any man. I launched at him even as he hit me with the stick the second time, I managed to get him on the mat before I grabbed his hair and banged his head off the mat a few times before I was interrupted by Randy Orton's music, Dean pushed me off him and hit me with the stick again. 

Randy pulled me out of the ring by my leg before he scowled at Dean. From what I had heard they had a rivalry at this moment in time and it seemed as if Randy was the one asking about me to Stephanie. 

Things were about to get interesting. 

"Fuck!" I winced as I got back into the hotel room with AJ. She handed me some ice for my leg, "It was a crap idea wasn't it?"

"Yes," she laughed as I winced as I placed the ice on my leg. "And now you're teaming with Randy Orton, do you think it's a good idea?"

"It's business" I told her as I held the ice on my leg. "This kills." I huffed as I let my face hit the arm of the sofa "And I still don't know what got Dean in a pissy mood."

"Try talking to him," she reassured me, "It's probably nothing."

"It's something big," I countered. "Men don't stress about nothing, that's women."

I let out a groan as the pain in my side got worse, that was where he'd hit me the first time. I couldn't really hide that could I? 

"Are you going to tell him?" AJ asked me as she sat on the chair and looked at me, "Because he is going to put two and two together and come up with you if you don't."

"And if he kicks off?"

AJ shrugged, "At least he'll know the truth."

I pulled my trousers leg down and stood up wobbling on my leg for a second, "Okay."

"You're going now?"

I nodded, "Yeah." I put the ice back on the side and nodded, "Wish me luck."

I knocked on Dean's hotel room, I waited and then he answered, he was shirtless and was holding ice to his side. "Are you okay?" I asked as I let myself into his room and looked at him. 

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