Part 48

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A quick message from the author - So I don't do this often, talking to you guys, but I feel I should. I am in a pretty stressful place right now so if things aren't perfect I am sorry. Hoping I am doing you guys some good.


I hated jogging really, it was the most boring and tedicious task but I had managed to lie low and get out early again the next morning. I also figured just on the off chance, if I was going to get kidnapped or such crap, it would be good for me to know how to run. I needed to be someone else, I am not weak. Not any more.

I picked up the pace and managed to get back to the hotel in one piece. It was my morning, today was going to be my day. I could feel it.

My feet ran up the stairs with ease and back to my hotel room where AJ was still sleeping soundly. I jumped into the shower, the hot water hitting my skin and washing away the sweat I had produced. Finally after 10 minutes I hopped out and dried away the water droplets left on my body before rummaging through my bag with my towel still wrapped around my body.


I let out a small scream as I turned and looked at AJ. "You idiot!" I threw the top in my hand at her which she ducked away from before laughing. "Why you gotta do that?"

"I didn't," she laughed as she spoke, "Mean to."

I turned back to my bag and rummaged through as AJ walked over and sat on the sofa and watched me. "What are you doing today?" She asked me as I pulled out a top before examining it.

"I dunno," I answered before looking over at the mirror. "I have to do something this morning."


"I just have to do something."

"Don't do anything stupid," AJ warned me as she stood up. "Lets get lunch together, is that enough time for you to do whatever you have to do?"

"I guess so," I smiled. I still hadn't decided how I was going to do it, but I was.

I had finally decided on an outfit for the day, a colourful splodge like pattern dress with black flat shoes. I carefully did my make up in the mirror before untangling my messy hair and letting it fall naturally around my face. I picked up my black handbag with the fringe before looking in the mirror.

What was I doing?

I didn't even feel that confident right now, "Fuck." I cursed as I looked at myself, I needed to be taller. I kicked off my flats and replaced them with high heels of the same colour before looking in the mirror again. I didn't feel much better, maybe it was nerves. I put my hand on the door handle and took a deep breath.

"Do it," I urged myself.

"If you don't go," AJ spoke from no where making me jump again, I turned and looked at her narrowing my eyes as she giggled.

I shook my head at her, "Is your plan to give me a heart attack?"

"You are going to do it to yourself with all this worrying," she told me with a wink. "Now if you don't go I am going to."

"You don't even know what I am going to do," I laughed as I flicked my hair back over my shoulders. This pink was annoying as hell, I would be dying my hair shortly with out a doubt.

AJ rolled her eyes, "Lunch, I'll meet you back here and we'll go together."

I nodded before leaving, finally I had left the room. I headed down the corridor and knocked on a door, well it was more of a bang. "Alright alright!" I heard a voice from the other side.

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