6. Trip to Berlin

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"stop biting your nails, hua." Somi smacked Hua's hand stopping her from ruining her pretty nails into chipped ones, one or two of them were already sculpture ugly by her teeth.

"I'm stressed, he needs to get dressed, get his makeup and hair done. if the flight gets even later than it already is, we are not gonna make it to the fashion week." She blabbered in one breath, letting the overthinking and anxiety corrupt her brain.

Your eyes roamed around, somi was whispering encouraging words to hua while manger-nim was recording jeonghan for a vlog where he's explaining his present circumstances with such calmness, easily to fool anyone that he doesn't give an ounce of importance to this golden opportunity.

Currently you're at Paris airport waiting for your flight to Berlin to reschedule back as soon as possible. As an ambassador of Saint Laurent, Jeonghan was invited to the fashion week and here you are, accompanying him as his stylist and second translator.

The four people who were planned to accompany jeonghan for the event were his manager, somi - the translator, hua - the hair stylist and minji but unfortunately or you can say fortunately she was down bad in fever and there was an empty space so the HR and ofc, the crew decided that you should fill up the seat.

The flight to berlin was supposed to take off at 7pm and now it's 4pm, it's been more than 23 hours since y'all have been waiting for the weather to get better. It was all good till you got onboard, when it was time to take off It started raining accompanied with lightning and thundering, turning the atmosphere cold and dangerous to take off and navigate.

You wrapped your arms around your body, trying to warm yourself a bit more. Being sensitive to cold has its own disadvantages, gladly you packed a few cardigans to keep you cosy.

"I'm going to get myself a cup of hot chocolate, would you like to tag along?" You gathered the attention to yourself, hua leaned her head back and without another one she stood up with somi by her side. You gestured to them to go first.

"manager-nim, we are going to the cafe across. Would you like us to get something for you?" He hummed in response, pondering what he'd like to have.

"A hot cappuccino, thanks." He answered without getting distracted from whatever he was working on the tab. You glance at Jeonghan sitting beside him, asking for his pick through silent words.

"hot vanilla latte." a fake smile was passed to you, he tried to sound all right but the distressed look was clearly evident on his features and the years of being acquainted with him, you can spot it easily.

"with dark chocolate èclair by the side?" without giving a single thought, the words left your mouth with a slight tilt of your head to left, taking jeonghan by surprise and yourself too. Blood ran up to your cheeks, flustering them in a light-toned shade of crimson.

He stared at you with wide eyes with a smug look causing you to cough, posturing yourself straight easing out the embarrassment you brought upon yourself, a genuine smile displaying on his lips. The troubled look was long gone.

"I- I will get the latte." You bit your tongue for stuttering, with a nod from him you turned your heels towards the cafe. A voice called out for you from behind but you didn't halt your steps.

"Two dark chocolate èclair, please." He was for sure teasing you but nevertheless you got what he asked for, more like you reminded him of his own words, he used to say with honey voice.

"Sweet with something bitter, bitter with something sweet, amazing combination."


The flight landed in Berlin around 7pm, barely made it. Time was slipping down like sand in an hourglass and there were too many issues to deal with. there's ain't no way you are in a position to make a trip to the hotel and get him dolled up for the event.

The manger-nim somehow managed to get permission to use the restroom in the airport parking lot, thankfully. It's been over 30 mins since everyone is rushing, and now he's nearly done.

Your finger delicately rubbed over the fabric, smoothing out the wrinkles if there are any then you moved on to fix the brooch, not wanting it to look crooked. with a satisfying grin, you stood up, taking his outfit in account.

The jeonghan who was rocking a perm before got his hair straight in a blob cut. He was dressed in a black blazer with a white sheer low cut tank top pairing it up with black trousers, a flower pin on his blazer. He completed his look with a pair of black high-heeled boots.

Chic and elegant yet casual.

The splendid makeup was popping astonishingly, his skin was glowing like the embodiment of Korean glass skin everyone is envious of. You were awestruck, He's look mesmerising - would be an understatement and would no justice to his beauty and the hard-work of everyone.

Yes, perfect!
That's the word to explain him. 

"Thank goodness! We got you onboard with us" Hua shook you by your shoulders, breaking into the warmest smile you've ever witnessed. You grin at her before fixing your gaze back to his frame, you squinted your eyes in displeasement.

"Can you pass me the liquid highlighter?" Hana handed you a bottle of liquid highlighter, you pressed the dropper, let the drop fall on the back of your palm, gently rubbing some formula on a brush you moved closer to jeonghan. You brushed it on his collarbone with a feathery touch, better.

Placing the products on the table you wipe your hands with wet tissue. You observed him once again, his tank top was a bit crooked. You sighed for the tenth time.

"Jeonghan, can you get up for a moment?" He implied to your request, you moved closer, the floral scent of your perfume hitting his nostrils, he licked his lips with the sudden intimacy he never imagined of, he was not uncomfortable neither he disliked your fingers tracing gently onto his bare skin.

"push it back just the way i'm doing if you ever feel it drooping." You straightened his sheer top by dragging into the left and shifting his blazer back correctly onto his shoulders and done. That's when you realise the closeness between you both, you breath stuck in your throat. When you gain the courage to look up, locking eyes with him.

Soft and delicate, just how it used to be.

"All set! You are ready to go." You pressed your lips in a thin smile, stepping back from the male. He didn't move an inch, frozen on the spot and soon snapped out of the trance right after he heard his manager calling out for him.

"Thank you, everyone." saying that, bowing in appreciation he hurriedly followed the manager out.

and with that the whirlwind experience comes to end giving you sore muscles and drowsiness.


good morning/afternoon/evening/night, my beautiful leaders!

After disappearing for days, I'm back with a new chapter. Thank you for waiting and being patient, I truly appreciate it. I hope you enjoy reading this chapter <3

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