Chapter 4: Go now?

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Eliza's POV:

I had been sitting by Calliope's bedside for what felt like hours, waiting for her to wake up. She had been badly injured in the fight, and even though she was a vampire herself, her body had taken a beating.

As I sat there, lost in thought, I suddenly heard Calliope's breathing change. I looked up to see her eyes flutter open, and then widen in terror as she gasped for breath. I tried to reach out to her, but she was too quick, throwing me across the room with a snarl.

I stumbled against the wall, my heart racing with fear. Calliope was feral, her eyes glowing with a dangerous light. Phaedra and Maeve tried to restrain her, but she was too strong. She let out a fierce growl, and I couldn't help but flinch, fear coursing through my veins.

"Calliope, it's me," I whispered, approaching her slowly. "You're safe. We all are."

But she didn't seem to recognize me. Instead, she suddenly let out a scream that made my blood run cold. She was feral, reacting to something with all the instinct of a wild animal.

Phaedra and Maeve, although weakened after healing what they could, tried their best to restrain Calliope, but their attempts to control her seemed to only make things worse.

For a moment, I was lost in fear and confusion. But then something inside of me urged me to take charge. Without hesitation, I stepped forward, closing the gap between us.

"Calliope, look at me," I commanded, trying to keep my voice steady. "It's me, Eliza."

To my surprise, Calliope's wild eyes locked onto mine, and she paused for a moment, as if considering something. And then, slowly but surely, her wildness began to subside.

I reached out, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder. "You're safe," I said softly. "It's okay."

I held her steady, my hand on her shoulder, my gaze steady on hers, until her breathing finally calmed and her eyes softened.

We looked at each other for a few moments, and I could see the confusion and fear in her eyes, mixed with the fierce loyalty and protectiveness that I had come to know she possesses greatly.

Phaedra and Maeve slowly released their hold on her and then she collapsed into my arms, her body trembling with sobs. "It was a dream," she whispered. "They hurt you. I couldn't do anything..they...they bled you dry..I—"

"Shh, it's okay. It's over."

I couldn't help but feel my heart wrench at the sight of her so vulnerable and confused. "It was just a dream, Calliope. I'm here, and I'm okay," I said softly, rubbing her back gently.

She calmed down slightly, and I knew that my touch and my words were having an effect on her. I took a deep breath, trying to steady my own nerves. "Are you okay?" I asked, my voice shaking ever so slightly.

Her eyes met mine once again, and I could see the loyalty and the trust I had built with her. "I am now," she said, her voice still weak. "Thank you."

I felt a sense of relief and gratitude that was almost overwhelming. I had managed to calm down a feral vampire, and had managed to be the one to bring her back to reality. Holy shitballs!

She leaned into me, still trembling, but slowly beginning to calm down. Maeve brought her a glass of blood from God knows where, which I helped her drink, and Phaedra cast a healing spell to relieve some of her pain.

We sat there for a few moments, the room quiet except for the sound of Calliope's breathing. And then she pulled away, her eyes meeting mine.

"I'm sorry," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "I didn't mean to hurt you."

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