Chapter 5: Where are the bodies?

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Eliza's POV:

As the rogue vampires burst through the door, I felt my heart race with fear. What was I thinking?! I've never fought anyone in my life?!

As the rogue vampires stormed in, chaos erupted. Maeve and Phaedra unleashed their vampire skills, moving with remarkable speed and strength as they took down their attackers.

From where I stood, I couldn't help but feel helpless. I had a crossbow, but I knew it wouldn't do much good against the powerful enemies in front of us. Only because I don't know how to use it.

Instead, I did everything I could to keep myself out of harm's way and to offer support to those who were fighting.

As I watched, Noah picked up a stake and plunged it into the heart of one of the attackers. She was fearless in battle, and I felt a newfound respect for her in that moment.

I saw Calliope throw herself into the fray, her movements graceful and precise as she battled her way through the rogue vampires. But then I saw one of the rogue vampires grab Calliope by the neck. He had her pinned down, and she was struggling to break free.

With a rush of adrenaline, I charged at the asshole, hoping to take him down and save Calliope. My fear was replaced by a fierce determination to protect the woman I loved.

As I got closer to the rogue vampire, I raised my crossbow and aimed it at him. I knew I only had one shot, and I couldn't afford to miss. With shaking hands, I took a deep breath and pulled the trigger.

The arrow hit him in the shoulder, and he stumbled back, releasing Calliope from his grasp. I rushed over to her side, helping her up and making sure she was alright. She's weakened but unharmed, and I felt a surge of relief wash over me.

Maeve and Phaedra quickly took care of the remaining rogue vampires, subduing them and sparing one as captive for interrogation. We knew that we needed to find out who had sent them and what they really want from me.


As the rogue vampire was taken captive, we gathered around him, ready to get the answers we needed. Phaedra stepped forward, her eyes glowing with an intense energy as she began to question the rogue vampire.

"" She growled.

The rogue vampire sneered at Phaedra and refused to answer her question. He spewed insults and threats at her, but Phaedra seemed unfazed.

Then, Maeve stepped forward, her eyes turning a deep crimson as she tried to intimidate him. "You better start talking, or else we'll make you regret it," she hissed.

Despite Maeve's threatening tone, the rogue vampire remained stubborn, refusing to give away any information about who had sent them.

Maeve growled in frustration and grabbed the rogue vampire by the throat, lifting him off the ground. "We have ways of making you talk," she threatened.

But before she could do anything, Calliope stepped forward. "Wait," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "Let me try."

We all looked at her in surprise, wondering what she had in mind. But before we could protest, Calliope approached the rogue vampire, her eyes locked with his. She began to speak to him in a low, soothing voice, almost as if she were trying to hypnotize him.

The rogue vampire's expression softened, and Calliope continued to talk to him for what felt like hours. Then, with a defeated sigh, the rogue vampire finally spoke.

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