Chapter 7: We're Mates?!

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Phaedra's POV:

Agatha smiled knowingly. "I know just the place where they can train," she said, her voice brimming with confidence.

"My coven has a hidden sanctuary, a place where we train our novices to control their powers." She said.

"Tell us more," I urged, my voice filled with anticipation.

Agatha smiled, her expression warm and inviting. "It is a place of ancient power," she explained, "a place where the veil between the worlds is thin, nwhere the energy of the earth flows freely, amplifying the abilities of those who train there."

"And your coven would be willing to let them train there?" Maeve asked, her voice filled with hope.

Agatha smiled warmly. "Of course," she replied. "My grandmother is the high priestess after all."

"Of course, how could I forget." Maeve replied, shaking her head while smiling.

Agatha looked at us and continued, "It's the perfect place where we can nurture Eliza's powers and help her to understand her true potential."

A wave of excitement rippled through us all, a collective sense of hope replacing the earlier anxiety.

"When can we leave?" Maeve asked, her voice eager.

Agatha chuckled gently. "As soon as we are ready," she replied. "There is no time to waste. We must prepare for the battle that lies ahead."


Eliza's POV:

The silence was broken only by the crackling fire and the occasional creak of the old house. Calliope sat opposite me, her face illuminated by the flickering flames, casting stark shadows across her pale skin. Her deep violet eyes held a depth of centuries, a darkness that both terrified and captivated me.

"Are you afraid, Eliza?" she asked, her voice a low velvet whisper.

I swallowed hard, the question hanging heavy in the air. "Yes," I admitted, my voice barely a tremor. "They're out there, hunting for me, for my blood."

A flicker of anger crossed Calliope's features, quickly replaced by a tenderness that sent a shiver down my spine. "They will not harm you," she said, her voice firm, resolute. "Not while I am here."

I stared at her, mesmerized by the intensity of her gaze. Despite the danger we were in, a strange sense of calm washed over me. In her presence, I felt protected, cherished.

"Why me, Calliope?" I asked, the question that had haunted me since I first learned of my unique blood. "Why is my blood special?"

Calliope sighed, a sound like wind through ancient trees. "I don't know, Eliza. But I do know that your blood holds the key to something powerful, something ancient. And the wrong people want it."

A pang of fear shot through me. The thought of being hunted, of becoming a pawn in some dark game, was terrifying. But nestled alongside that fear was a strange sense of wonder. What was it about my blood that made it so valuable? What ancient secrets did it hold? I stared at the dancing flames, lost in thought.

"Are you alright, Eliza?" Calliope asked, her voice low and melodious, like a cello playing a mournful tune.

I looked at her, fiddling with the fraying hem of my shirt. "Just... worried," I mumbled. "About you, about Maeve, Phaedra. What if they don't come back?"

The silence that followed was filled with the crackling of the fire. Calliope's silence was always unnerving, but I knew she was processing my words, choosing them carefully before responding.

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