Chapter 9: Foolishness will kill you

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Eliza's POV:

The aroma of woodsmoke and roasting herbs mingled with the faint scent of lilac as Noah and I watched Calliope practice with Phaedra in the training yard. The sight of my mate, her hair whipping around her face as she parried Phaedra's lightning-fast strikes, sparked an uncomfortable truth deep within me. I'm a burden.

For a week now, Agatha's coven had welcomed us with open arms, offering sanctuary from the rogue vampires hunting us. Yet, as I watched, Maeve, Phaedra, Calliope and the witches train with their honed reflexes and potent magic, I felt acutely aware of my own uselessness. A sitting duck in a nest of warriors.

Noah, sensing my distress, nudged my shoulder. "What's up?"

"We can't stay here forever," I muttered, my voice tight with frustration. "They'll find us."

We're burdens, guests relying on the coven's protection. We needed to be more, to fight back against the threat we'd brought to their doorstep.

"I know," she said, meeting my gaze. "But what can we do? We're just humans."

A flicker of defiance lit up my eyes. "Humans who can learn. We can be faster, stronger, more aware. We can fight."

Determination filled Noah's eyes and she slapped her thighs, standing up and nodding at me. "Damn right. Let's do it!"

Taking a deep breath, I called out to Calliope. "Cal," I said, my voice firm, "C'mere, I need to tell you somehing."

Calliope walked towards us, leaving Phaedra who turned to practice with another witch.

"What is it?" Calliope asked, wiping sweat off her brow.

I hesitated, then blurted out my anxieties, the words tumbling forth like a dam breaking. "We need to be able to defend ourselves, we can't let you guys protect us forever."

Calliope's smile faltered for a fleeting moment, a flicker of concern crossing her features. "Eliza," she began, her voice gentle but laced with a hint of worry, "you and Noah are our responsibility. Protecting you is our duty, our pleasure."

But her words, though kind, only fueled the fire in my chest. I understood their duty, their unwavering loyalty, but I couldn't bear the thought of being a burden any longer.

"I know," I interjected, my voice firm despite the tremor in my hands. "And we are so grateful for your protection. But we can't just sit here, helpless, while you risk your lives for us. We need to be more, to contribute somehow."

Noah stepped forward, her hand finding mine in a silent show of support. "Eliza's right, Cal. We may not be witches nor vampires, but we're not exactly helpless either. We can learn, train, become more than just liabilities."

Calliope's gaze flitted between us, her expression thoughtful. She seemed to be weighing our pleas, her internal debate mirrored in the crease between her brows. Finally, a slow smile spread across her face, erasing the worry lines and replacing them with a hint of amusement.

Calliope reached for my hand and squeezed it. "You're right. We can't protect you forever."

"So, you're saying..." Noah trailed off, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"That the lessons shall begin, little warriors," Calliope said, her voice laced with amusement. "We'll teach you everything from basic defense and offense, basic weaponry and maybe even basic magic. You'll be surprised how much power lies within you, Eliza, waiting to be unleashed."

A surge of excitement coursed through me, replacing the self-doubt with a newfound sense of purpose. "I would be honored to learn," I declared, my voice ringing with newfound conviction.

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