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Wooyoung had an unhealthy process of obsessing over the most normal things in life.

Winter was coming in, and his sister-in-law convinced him to get fluffy cotton socks because, as his sister stated, "they do the job so well, I can wear nothing but these socks, and I'd still be warm." The younger's face scrunched up, "TMI noona, TMI," he faked a gag but ended up cackling instead.

So the next thing Wooyung knew, he received a delivery notification from the online shop. Knowing that his package was waiting for him at home got Wooyoung squirming with excitement. Practice wrapped up early, and their manager was adamant about them staying put and actually taking a break before losing themselves to their work.

The sun was close to setting as the members got ready to leave the practice room,  "we're gonna go pick up the food. Who's coming with?" San questioned with Yunho in tow. "The chicken master must go," Yeosang piped, joining the duo in their chicken rendezvous.

"Hey, I thought I was cooking today," Wooyoung pouted, looking especially at San, who dared to even suggest eating takeout when the elder knew Wooyoung was capable of cooking up a feast. "Yah Young-ah, we can have take out and eat your delicious food too," San tried to butter up to the latter who was not having it. Wooyoung knew the fact, but he preferred it when his members ate his cooking after a long, hard day of practice, alas, Woo couldn't have everything.

"Zip it, Sannie, don't try rationalizing with me. You too, Sangie, Yunie- don't think you can sit at the table for dinner." The younger was only half kidding, but he had to show them some sort of retaliation.

Before the trio could bite back, Jongho spoke up, with Mingi approaching the defeated-looking dancer, "We're coming with you, hyung." "I'll help you cook," Mingi patted the shorter's head, hoping that could satiate his fussiness.

Hongjoong and Seonghwa came into the room before more playful banter was released,  "your Hwa hyung and I are gonna stay to discuss something with the managers. Go ahead. We'll be home soon," the leader announced, shooing his kids out of the practice room.

"Oh shoot, you know what I forgot to get? Garlic and cabbage" Wooyoung's palm met his forehead with a slap as the trio exited the van, opting to go home first.

"Maknae and I can go buy it, and we'll meet you at home," Mingi settled the younger's worries once more, hopping back into the van with Jongho to make a quick grocery trip.

After starting the rice, Wooyoung zoomed into his shared room with a large box in hand. 

Wooyoung had a very unhealthy obsession with buying the most mundane things in every single color. Why have five pairs of socks when he could have twenty? Well, that made more sense in his head anyway.

However, he didn't realize how long his new socks were, assuming they'd be at least ankle length, just like his sister's. Checking back on his order details, it dawned on him that he dropped money on the wrong product. That didn't deter the idol. He was going to make it work. It was a new style. He just had to get used to it, is all.

After buying a whole collection, the shop sent him a free pair of pink cotton shorts that were a bit too short compared to what he normally wore, but my god, were they the softest pair of shorts Wooyoung's ever touched.

Wooyoung was excited to try out his new thigh highs, but his basketball shorts were just getting in the way. No wonder the shop sent that particular product; it paired perfectly with his new pastel pink socks he chose out of his many pairs, plus San's white shirt which just happened to be the first thing he grabbed out of his cabinet.

He looked in the mirror, practically wearing the shirt like a dress, but the socks and the shorts were so soft and cute. It felt like he was being hugged by clouds, and Wooyoung couldn't be happier. He felt so comfortable; he looked adorable, and now he was ready to do one of his favorite hobbies: making tasty food for his favorite people.

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