05- extra

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"Y-yes yes yes! I love it- hyung's fingers- so good- hmm." Wooyoung's moans echoed through the dorm, penetrating the wall of every room, invading Mingi and Yunho's ears. Yunho played it safe, assuming San would drag Wooyoung to their room, so the taller hunkered down at Mingi's, especially since it was the furthest room away. However, San and Wooyoung's nightly escapade traveled through every crevice.

Everyone knew.

Don't get any of them wrong, they were undoubtedly turned on, but it had been hours since the beginning of San's boasting, and frankly, they all just wanted to sleep.

"My god, we know San's the best finger fucking machine. Stop it already," Mingi whined, rolling around in bed, trying to bury himself more under the covers to somehow, magically, expel the horror. Yunho grunted, finally having enough of Mingi's squirming. It didn't help that he was already hard, and Mingi calling San the best finger-er was the last straw. Being sleep deprived, horny, and jealous was not the best combination at four in the morning.

The taller caged Mingi, putting his thighs on either side of his hips, fingers gripping wrists on the side of Mingi's head. Yes, the classic 'I will make love to you so hard' pose.

"Y-Yunnie... I'm sorry," the younger, immediately shrinking, murmuring softly. Yunho raised his eyebrows, leaning forward, any inch closer, they were practically going to make out.

"Sorry for what, princess?" the godforsaken nickname.

"For- nngh," San won't be the only one having fun, he nosed around the younger's neck, inhaling his favorite scent. "F-for being so restless," Mingi managed to let out, struggling to regain his arms but failing. How dare Wooyoung unlock a new kink, all he could think of was Mingi in thigh highs now. Wooyoung was definitely cute, it was a fun little game teasing San, but Yunho preferred those long fluffy socks on his Mingi.

"Wrong," Yunho growled, nipping a particular spot on Mingi's neck, causing him to yelp in return.

"Yunho!" Mingi whined, trying to wiggle out of the taller's hold. Yes, he loves fun time, but he was tired, he was grumpy, he was sleepy. Mingi just wanted to sleep, even if he was hard as a rock. Yunho gripped harder, this time holding Mingi's wrists above his head with one hand, the other already exploring the shorter's torso.

"S-stop, Yunho! I love you, but I just want to sleep," Mingi giggled, Yunho brushing his fingers on the spots Yunho knew were sensitive. "Then tell me, princess. What did you do wrong, huh?" Yunho was eager, peppering sensual kisses all over Mingi's neck and chest.

"I-I said I was sorry, I'll stop moving!" Mingi started with a laugh, ending with a pleasured sigh.

"Hmm, I'll be nice and show you instead," Mingi was suddenly flipped over, he could feel Yunho's body weight pressed against him, hands on the garter of his pajama pants.


"Last time we checked, I was the best and only person when it came to fingering you dumb. Let me help my silly princess recall"

"Oh my god, Yunho, I didn't actually mean-" Yunho stopped listening, ready to start their own endeavors.

"Are you fucking serious? If that's Mingi I'm hearing, I'm leaving," Yeosang groaned, banging his head on Jongho's chest. The youngest only laughed, "I don't understand why you're so lax about this. You're usually the first one out the door."

Jongho caressed the elder's back, burying his face in the crown of Yeosang's hair.

"Woo hyung was cute and all, but even he agrees you'd look better in them," Jongho murmured. Yeosang partly rose up, eying the maknae.

"He let me borrow some thigh highs for our own little fun," Jongho teased, Yeosang hitting him on his chest.

"Jongho-yah! aish..." Yeosang was too tired to even interpret the information, he pushed Jongho down, laying back on his chest.

"You better have at least picked my favorite colors."

"So, what's the game plan? Are you busting them now or after?" Seonghwa partly joked but was still curious, because Woosan was Wosanning very loud.

"I knew this was coming. They've been at it for hours. They'll be done soon."

And was Hongjoong so wrong.

A couple of hours later, the dorm finally settled in peace, and he was ready to give San and Wooyoung a piece of his mind. Yunho and Mingi, too.


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