03- 18+

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"No no no! You're insane, why would you keep it strictly business! He's got a great body, unspeakably rich, the kindest soul, not to mention good with his tongue- but most importantly, you love him- loveee him," Wooyoung complained to himself, head dangling off the couch, legs wiggling around from frustration as he splayed upside down in his little makeshift nest of a couch-bed, knuckles turning white at how hard he was gripping his book.

"I heard you talking about me?" the familiar voice of San entered the living room as he crouched down next to Wooyoung. Leaning down to steal a kiss from his lover.

"Hmm- Sannie! Sorry, was I too loud?"

"Not loud enough, baby," San pinched Wooyoung's side, causing the younger to jump, legs falling to the side, San caught his limbs and placed them on his lap as he sat down. "Yah! San-ah..." the younger tried chastising. With San, it was always a dilemma, he will never say no to a bit of fun, but he also needs to finish his book.

Usually, he would jump the older, more interested in his boyfriend than anything else, but the book found to be a tad more enticing. He had a couple more pages to find out the final verdict of his girl's situationship.

"Wooyoung-ah... baby," San mimicked, a hint of seduction in his voice as he shamelessly combed his hands through the soft fabric of Wooyoung's thigh highs. Finally able to relish what he couldn't touch earlier.

He adored his members from the bottom of his heart, but he didn't adore them when they tried to cock block him. San knew that everyone did their absolute best to rile him up, especially Jongho. That little brat knew how weak he was when it came to Wooyoung and he fully exploited it, teasing and touching Wooyoung while audaciously looking right into San's soul. He would smother the maknae with wet kisses later, right now, he had a mission.

San caressed and squeezed until he felt the same fabric of the thigh highs underneath the white shirt, his white shirt.

And oh my god.

San internally had the air knocked out of him. He was done. He was gone. He was, ultimately, hard.

Under the white shirt (San's shirt) was the incredible sight of pink fluffy booty shorts that Jongho had teased about earlier.

Dear god, they matched his thigh highs... San swallowed, petting Wooyoung's  lower thigh in a trance, trying to figure out where to start as if he had a full-course meal and deciding which appetizer to try first.

"Choi San, it is 3 in the morning... as much as I would like to entertain you, I'm finishing my book before the sun rises and that's final," there was some hesitation in Wooyoung's decree, though he did want to finish his book, he made no attempt in separating himself from his menace of a boyfriend.

"That wasn't a no," Wooyoung didn't respond, opting to continue his fictional endeavor. San decided to behave for a little, to indulge Wooyoung's wishes, but San was going to devour Wooyoung with his thigh highs on no matter what. Blame the stupid socks, sue his perverted mind, fuck Wooyoung- well, yes, that is the end game.

Unless, of course, Wooyoung truly didn't want to entertain the idea, he wouldn't push it. They both knew their extent, and San knew that with a little convincing, the latter would let up. San continued his ministrations, slowly inching higher up to feel warm and plump skin.

"Sannie behave," the younger warned, continuing to read without so much as a glance, San pouted.

"I am behaving. Can I not appreciate my baby boy?"

Wooyoung gulped, god that stupid nickname always turned him on. He sighed, putting the book down against his chest but not ready to let go of his current page.

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