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He loved this part, making Wooyoung think he had a break and then surprising him with more and more. San does not deny his lover; he gives and gives until Wooyoung can't take anymore.

"O-oh my god!" Wooyoung yelped as he felt San insert a finger, already exploring his caverns. "Wait- hyung, I can't!" Wooyoung started begging, San smiled, stopping his prodding only to flip Wooyonug over on all fours, face down ass up and still managing to have a hand on his thick thighs.

San's pride soared as Wooyoung called him hyung. It was rare that he was called hyung even when he was older. When the younger called him hyung, it meant that he saw San as the man who held his pleasure and his sanity, the man whom he was comfortable with letting go of himself and submitting his body and mind. The taller knew how far gone Wooyoung was when he started calling him hyung, a sign of submission, where the younger could only see, feel, and hear San.

"Relax while I keep you busy up here, yeah?" San inserted two fingers this time, knuckles passing the ring of muscle, feeling the warmth of his lover. Wooyoung panted, San's fingers were so thick, he was going crazy, still struggling to calm down from his last high.

"H-hyung- no no please- I can't- too much," Wooyoung clawed at the sheets, trying to get a hold of anything his fingers could grip.

"Of course you can, my love, you like my fingers, don't you? A slut for my fingers, let the members hear how much you love getting fingered. You already let them know how much of a bitch you are for my tongue"

Wooyoung cried, his cock pained as arousal continued to overflow his body with how dirty San made him sound. San continued to push his fingers inside and out, angling to find Woooyoung's favorite spot.

"F-fuck! Oh-" Wooyoung gasped out, blindly trying to grab at San's arm, the elder captured his flailing limbs, holding them down. "Answer me, Woooyoung-ah, you like me fucking you with my fingers?" San prodded around the spot at an even pace. Wooyoung could only let out a pathetic whimper, crying out with each thrust of San's thick fingers.

"I asked you a question, doll," the elder dragged his digits, encouraging the response he wanted to hear from the younger.

"Y-yes yes yes! I love it- hyung's fingers- so good- hmm"

San redirected his aim at Wooyoung's sweet spot, practically pistoning his fingers, then curling them for good measure. The squelch of the lube, adding to the intensity of the moment. Wooyoung was now shaking, ass violently wiggling, but San held him down no problem.

"Sa- ah! Shit stop stop! N-no please" Wooyoung whined over and over, convulsing at the overstimulation. San added a third finger, continuing his unforgiving pace, "you'll take what I give you, right baby?" The older conversed, knowing he wouldn't get an answer. Wooyoung shook, cum spurting on the sheets, San did not relent his pace, feeling up the warm, velvety insides of his lover.

"Sannie! No more- aaha!" San only chuckled at the duality of his boyfriend, one minute he's begging to stop, but the next he's crying for cock.

"This is only three fingers, baby, that's not enough for my cock. You want me to fill you up nice and full, right?" San really had a way with his vulgar words, this was Wooyoung's kryptonite. Wooyoung sobbed, voice starting to get hoarse from all the moaning and screaming.

It took Wooyoung a few moments to register the question. Slowly nodding, his eyes lost in a trance, his comprehension to get cock inside of him on autopilot.

"F-full... I want you inside... Your cock- come inside" San laughed, adding a fourth finger, thrusting his fingers, making sure to hit Woooyoung's favorite spot dead on.

"My love, I haven't even put my cock inside and you're already cock dumb, make up your mind"

Wooyoung's third orgasm rolled in dry and overwhelming, the latter whaled out a pornographic scream before blacking out, slumping. San cooed, slipping his fingers out, repositioning his lover in a more comfortable pose, and finally taking of the innocent pink shorts that served as Wooyoung's entrapment.

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