06- bloopers

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San snuck his way to the living room, traveling as quietly as he could in the dark until he could see the slightest bit of light illuminating the living room. Holding onto the pink butt plug, he waited for the right time to come into the scene.

"No no no! You're insane, why would you keep it strictly business! He's got a great body, unspeakably rich, the kindest soul, not to mention good with his tongue- but most importantly, you love him- loveee him," Wooyoung complained to himself, head dangling off the couch, legs wiggling around from frustration as he splayed upside down in his little makeshift nest of a couch-bed.

San made his way closer, albeit not as smoothly as he had hoped, as the pathway was still dim.

"I heard you talking about me?" San entered the living room, crouching down to what he was sure was Wooyoung, tucking the plug into the couch. He leaned down to steal a kiss, but as soon as he did, he felt two long arms suffocate him and a disgustingly wet kiss landing on his cheek.

San was startled, falling butt down on the floor, "what the heck!" he whined as a burst of laughter erupted in the setting.

"Jokes on you," the familiar voice of Yunho roared, mixed with Wooyoung's resonating cackle. As San finally realized his members pranked him, he whined but laughed in the end.

"Sorry, Sannie!" the younger giggled, toppling over the couch on top of Yunho.

"Director-nim! Seriously?" San whined, wiping Yunho's saliva off his face.

"Alright, cut cut!"


thank you for showing thigh highs lots of love!

woosan is such a comfort ship to me, yes it's a spicy fic, but a big reminder that this is fiction and not related to the actual idols that are being portrayed.

also! made a tik tok to give some spice to my fics haha if u wanna follow & get lil sneak peaks and such @ mks0nly (0 is a zero)


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