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Once the trio returned from picking up takeout, the other members who were already home practically prohibited them from entering the kitchen. The chaos began to unwind behind a clueless Wooyoung.

After entering their dorm and getting a quick glance at Wooyoung, Hongjoong and Jongho pushed their chairs together, parallel to Wooyoung, who was busy fluffing the rice. After feeding them a few crumbs, the captain and maknae barricaded the younger's bottom half from sight.

The silent yet not-so-silent battle of the home-cooked members versus the take-out members started off subtly with the not-so-slightest hint of teasing.

The trio paused, trying to process what was happening and figuring out if what they saw was actually what they saw.

If Wooyoung donned pink thigh-high socks.

San ogled, taking a peek as best he could at Wooyoung in his natural habitat, wearing what looked like to be San's oversized shirt and apparent long pink thigh-highs. What did San deserve to be deprived of this Wooyoung? Fucking take-out. San will eat Wooyoung out- he means he'll eat Wooyoung's home-cooked meals forever.

Yunho and Yeosang took a second to realize, but once everything clicked, Mingi and Seonghwa ushered them into the living room. "Let me help set-" San reasoned as he tried pushing himself back into the kitchen.

"Sorry, San-ah, you chose takeout," Seonghwa cooed as Jongho made faces at his Yunho and Yeosang hyung. "Come on, we're hungry-" Yesoang uncharacteristically whined.

"Don't starve yourself now. You have your takeout after all," the captain continued to tease, waving towards the living room from his comfortable seat at the kitchen table.

San, Yeosang, and Yunho sat on the sofa, figuring out their next move on how to infiltrate the kitchen and possibly kidnap Wooyoung if the home-cooked members fought back. The take-out sat on the living room table, forgotten.

"Next time you suggest take-out, I'm not listening to you," Yeosang sighed, leaning against the coach while trying to find a good angle to look at his cute best friend. "oh really, Yeosang the chicken master," Yunho teased as he to tried to find a good spot to catch the slightest glimpse of the younger member.

"Oh hyung, your socks are slipping," Jongho fiend innocence, crouching down to peek up at more pink cotton underneath all the white sea. Jongho smirked, eyeing the trio inside the living room as he slowly pulled the sock up. Wooyoung paid no mind as he scooped more rice into the bowls for everyone to feast on.

"Who gave him this very dangerous idea? San?" Yunho questioned. San finally let out a grunt as he sat eerily still on the couch. " If I gave him that idea, I wouldn't be sharing, Yunho-sii."

San was trying to figure out if this was one of Wooyoung's silly little games to eventually end up being fucked an inch of his life out by the older. However, San knew that Wooyoung would discuss any kind of scene or nuance in advance. The two were definitely not vanilla with their sexual endeavors, but they were responsible and respectful of each other's boundaries and preferences. Therefore, San concluded that this was in fact his darling boyfriend being unfathomably adorable without realizing how much of a vixen he was, causing a little mess between his members.

San was going to win this silly little game that the rest of Ateez conclusively agreed to, even though, in reality, Wooyoung was his, but it wouldn't hurt to entertain his members, and the thrill would carry on to their nightly ventures later on.

Jongho was a brat when he wanted to be, and he especially loved teasing his San hyung when it came to his Wooyoung hyung. The stare the Chois held were intense, silence filling the room as everyone eyed the not-so-innocent assistance of the maknae.

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