8 - With Gentle Roar, Nong Lion's Ask

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Gemini, after the initial surprise, had pieced together the reason behind Khun Long's actions. A mischievous smirk slowly crept across his face as he observed the AKA CEO. It became clear to him that AKA Corporation, despite its immense resources and influence, was still missing a key ingredient to firmly establish itself in the entertainment industry: talented actors under their banner to champion and promote.

In that moment, it dawned on Gemini that AKA Corporation had set their sights on Fourth, recognizing his undeniable talents and the immense value he could bring to their company. His Fourth was incredibly lucky; being embraced by AKA meant a bright future for him in the entertainment industry.

'Nong Lion' couldn't help but gaze at the adorably wide, innocent eyes of his 'Lantern Boy', who seemed surprised by Khun Long's actions and completely oblivious to the CEO's true intentions. Gemini's heart swelled with pride and happiness for his 'Lantern Boy,' and he couldn't contain his beaming smile.


"Do you think this curry is any good?" Gemini asked as he bent down to retrieve a box of curry from the supermarket shelf. He and his 'Lantern Boy' were enjoying some quality shopping time together, fulfilling Fourth's promise to share a meal. Their plan was to have a homemade dinner prepared by Fourth at his place.

Gemini placed the curry box into their shopping cart and noticed that Fourth seemed preoccupied, lost in thought. Curiosity piqued, he inquired, "What's on your mind, Lantern Boy?"

Fourth snapped out of his thoughts and replied, a smile playing on his lips from behind his Snoopy mask. "I was thinking about the press event earlier."

"What about it?" Gemini asked as he led Fourth through the supermarket aisles to choose the ingredients for their meal, raising an eyebrow with curiosity. As 'Lantern Boy' browsed through the items, he continued, "I'm just wondering about Khun Long's actions. Why did he seem to defend me so fiercely?"

Gemini and Fourth strolled through the supermarket aisles, their shopping cart slowly filling with ingredients for their upcoming meal. Gemini's thoughts revolved around the innocent charm of his 'Lantern Boy', who remained clueless. Finally, he decided to share his observations with Fourth, a playful grin tugging at his lips.

"Have you not realized it yet?" Gemini began, his voice carrying a hint of mischief. "I think AKA Corporation has set their sights on you."

Fourth turned to him, genuine curiosity lighting up his eyes. "What do you mean by that, P'Gem?"

Gemini couldn't resist teasing him a little as he explained, "Well, AKA may have all the resources and influence to become a major player in the entertainment industry, but they lack something crucial."

Fourth, intrigued, asked, "What do they lack?"

"Talented actors," Gemini replied with a knowing smile.

Fourth's eyes widened, and he looked at Gemini in surprise, a glimmer of hope and excitement in his gaze as he began to piece it together. "Are you saying that AKA is considering signing a contract with me to become one of their actors?"

Gemini nodded, his playful grin still in place as he reached out to ruffle Fourth's hair affectionately. "Exactly. And that's precisely why Khun Long went to such great lengths to protect you today. He sees the potential in you, just like I do."

Fourth blushed at the praise and the exciting possibilities that lay ahead. The thought of being recognized by AKA Corporation was both humbling and exhilarating, and it filled him with a renewed sense of determination and gratitude. His acting career might not be coming to an end after all.

GeminiFourth - The Sun and His Beloved StarWhere stories live. Discover now