13 - A Mishap Have Befallen Upon The Filming Set?

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Meanwhile, Arthid, watching from a distance, felt a sudden surge of jealousy coursing through him. In a fit of frustration, he slammed his dish onto the table with a loud bang, abruptly grabbing everyone's attention. The director's displeased gaze bore into Arthid as he stormed away from the gathering,.

Arthid's manager, realizing the gravity of the situation, rushed to apologize profusely for his client's impulsive actions. However, the apology seemed to fall on deaf ears as the crowd, seemingly unswayed by the disturbance, continued their banter and teasing between Gemini and Fourth, as if Arthid's outburst were a mere hiccup in the unfolding event.

Gemini couldn't help but let out a smirk as he observed Arthid storming away. The playful banter and teasing continued around him, but his focus remained on the retreating figure of Arthid. In that moment, a silent vow echoed in Gemini's mind: "Arthid, you better not do anything stupid toward my Lantern Boy. Because if you do, I'll make sure you experience a kind of hell you never saw coming."


"Did you find them?" Keng emerged from behind the gnarled tree with an air of arrogance. His eyes darted anxiously, scanning the surroundings for any sign of approaching teachers, even though the night cloaked them in perfect secrecy.

They huddled behind the abandoned building on the school's outskirts, a forgotten space where wild bushes and tall grass whispered tales of rebellion. The neglect only added to its allure for students like Keng and his gang.

"I got them," Tharn replied, a nonchalant smirk playing on his lips as he reached into his school pant pocket. Like a seasoned black-market dealer, he produced packs of cigarettes, handing them over to Keng. The contraband exchanged hands, a tangible symbol of teenage rebellion against the rigid rules of the boarding school.

Keng took a cigarette from the pack, its filter shining in the moonlight. He lit it up, and then tossed packs to his friends. Soon, a little smoky place formed in the shadow of the old building where they gathered.

"Why'd it take you so much time?" Keng let out a pleased sigh, checking Tharn closely as he counted the money from their secret exchange. Tharn shook his head and replied with a annoying comment.

"Our dear Mr. Cupcake," the supervising teacher, nicknamed for his round figure, "seemed extra bothered recently after catching a few not-so-bright students with forbidden stuff. I had to change my way to steer clear of running into him."

Suddenly, a loud thud echoed through the air, and a wave of panic swept through their huddled group. The satisfying atmosphere of rebellion dissipated, replaced by a tense anticipation of trouble. Eyes widened, and cigarettes were hastily stubbed out as they prepared to scatter like startled birds.

The fear was palpable, and the unspoken agreement to avoid Mr. Cupcake's wrath loomed over them. They were regular guests at his office for various misdemeanors, but this was different. A collective understanding passed between them—their punishment this time could be very severe.  

As they crouched low, ready to disperse into the shadows, they noticed a school bag lying on the ground, its contents spilled haphazardly. The initial fright turned into a curious hush as they cautiously approached the unexpected discovery. It wasn't Mr. Cupcake who had caught them after all.

Upon seeing the school bag, it didn't take long for them to realize that someone had managed to sneak out of school and was now attempting a stealthy return by scaling the wall. The sound they heard was the bag hitting the ground as it got tossed from the other side.

Whispers moved through the group like a secret breeze, glances exchanged with a mix of relief and amusement. The tension melted away, replaced by a more relaxed vibe. But Keng's face told a different story—annoyance etched across it. A scowl replaced his usual laid-back look, embarrassed by a moment of fear that had dented his cool.

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