11 - Lantern Boy Digs for Treasure

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Fourth felt excitement as he took the paper chinchilla. However, as he studied the paper chinchilla, his expression shifted. His smile waned, and his hands trembled as he accepted the figurine. Concern etched across Gemini's face as he inquired, "Lantern Boy, what's the matter?"

After a moment of silence, Fourth looked up at Gemini, his eyes revealing a complex blend of emotions. Finally, he disclosed, finding it hard to believe himself, "Nong Lion, I believe I know the street vendor you encountered... He was my father."

Gemini was left speechless, his eyes widening in shock. It appeared that fate, with its enigmatic workings, had intricately woven their destinies together.


Gemini held the door slightly ajar, ushering Fourth into the intimate haven of his guest bedroom, a space now seamlessly becoming Fourth's own. The afternoon's collaborative efforts had woven a warm tapestry of familiarity, as Fourth's personal touches imbued the space with a comforting ambience.

"I suppose it's time for me to take my leave," Gemini remarked, his lips curving into a gentle smile as he regarded his 'Lantern Boy.' The day had unfurled a cascade of emotions — joy and sorrow intermingling, leaving the duo emotionally spent. A restful reprieve seemed the fitting balm for their weary souls, allowing the shock of shared revelations to settle.

Just as Gemini neared the closure of the door, Fourth's hand intercepted its path. Intrigued, Gemini inquired, "Is there something you need?"

"No," Fourth replied, a smile playing on his lips. Delving into his pocket, he extracted the cherished relic — the paper chinchilla figurine. Pressing it briefly against his heart, 'Lantern Boy' then extended the delicate creation to his 'Nong Lion,' a gesture that left the superstar visibly taken aback.

"You should keep it. It's yours after all," Gemini insisted.

But Fourth, with a smile and a gentle shake of his head, responded, "No, it's yours now. A gift from my father, and he was right. His son would undoubtedly want you to have it too."

Gemini accepted the delicate chinchilla figurine with hands that betrayed a subtle tremor. Its significance was not lost on him. This tiny paper creation had been a steadfast companion during his own challenging times. His gaze, tinged with gratitude and a hint of vulnerability, met Fourth's.

With eyes reddened by the weight of emotions, Gemini spoke softly, "Thank you na, Lantern Boy. This means a lot to me. I promise to protect it dearly." He cradled the figurine in his palms.

Fourth, hands casually tucked into the deep pockets of his worn-out jeans, couldn't suppress a light-hearted giggle that escaped his lips. A mischievous smirk played across his face, emphasizing the glint in his expressive eyes. "You better keep your promise then. After all, it's now a gift from me too. Took many long nights to craft that, you know."

Gemini's affirmation came with a subtle nod, his gaze steady and sincere. Unexpectedly, Nong Lion threw himself toward his Lantern Boy, enveloping him in a tight embrace. A small, surprised smile graced Fourth's lips as he closed his eyes, reciprocating the hug. The warmth of the embrace and the mingling of their scents created an intimate cocoon, making the moment feel timeless. They lingered in the embrace, a silent language of comfort and connection shared between them.

"I guess it's goodbye for now," Fourth yawned as they separated, stretching his arms wearily. Fatigue painted shadows under his eyes, a testament to the day's emotional rollercoaster. "I need some rest, and you should too."

"Uhm, sweet dreams, Lantern Boy," Gemini softly murmured, his features warmed by a gentle smile. With a final glance, he delicately closed the door, the hushed click echoing through the quiet space.

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