9 - The Melancholic Coda in a Joyful Tune

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As they finished their meal, Fourth rose from his seat, intending to clean the dishes. However, before he could make his way to the sink, Gemini gently placed his hand on Fourth's and said, "Lantern Boy, may I ask you a favor?"

Fourth, looking into Gemini's eyes with warmth and curiosity, smiled softly and replied, "Of course, anything you want, Nong Lion."

Gemini took a deep breath, his expression earnest, and he spoke from the heart, "Lantern Boy... Would you consider moving in with me?"


Fourth awoke to the gentle caress of morning sunlight seeping through the curtains. As he stirred from slumber, he encountered a delightful surprise. His 'Nong Lion', propped up on one elbow, watching him with a tender smile.

Gemini's morning greeting was a soft, affectionate murmur. "Good morning, Lantern Boy."

The initial shock left Fourth momentarily dazed. His idol, Gemini, lay beside him in his very own bed. The surprise jolted him awake, and he almost tumbled out of bed in his flustered state. However, Gemini's quick reflexes saved the day, as he swiftly caught Fourth, pulling him back onto the bed and into a comforting hug.

Wrapped in Gemini's embrace, Fourth felt a mix of emotions. His heart raced from the surprise and the intimate closeness he shared with his idol. Blushing, he stammered, "I, uh, didn't expect to wake up like this."

Gemini's laughter filled the room, a warm and reassuring sound. He had anticipated Fourth's reaction. After all, he had decided to spend the night but had opted to sleep on the old sofa in the living room, despite Fourth's offers to share the bed. Yet here they were, on the bed together the next morning. The situation was unexpected, and Fourth found himself pleasantly surprised by it.

With a playful chuckle, Gemini replied, "I thought I'd give you some space, but it seems my plan didn't work out as intended. I couldn't resist."

Fourth, still blushing and caught off guard in Gemini's embrace, couldn't help but ask, "Resist what exactly? The bed?"

Gemini grinned, his voice adopting a husky, intimate tone as he leaned closer to Fourth's earlobe, sending shivers down his spine. "Not the bed, Lantern Boy. It's you."

Startled by Fourth's sudden reaction to his teasing words, Gemini found himself pushed aside, narrowly avoiding a tumble to the floor. Fourth swiftly made his escape, darting out of the room with his cheeks aflame, his heart racing with embarrassment.

Gemini, left behind in the room, blinked in surprise at the unexpected turn of events. He had meant to tease Fourth, not anticipating such a dramatic response. But he couldn't help but chuckle at the adorable sight of his 'Lantern Boy' fleeing the room in a fluster, his laughter filling the morning air. It was an amusing start to the day, and Gemini couldn't help but find it endearing.


'P', where were you? I thought you would be back last night.'

'Are you trying to get me killed?? If Mae Yui finds out about this...'

'Seriously, when will you come back?'

Gemini pulled his phone from his pocket to find a barrage of messages from his ever-concerned personal assistant, Hana. He couldn't help but chuckle at her dramatic responses. Hana had always been a worrier, but she was also fiercely competent at handling any crisis that came her way. 

With a playful smirk, he tapped out a quick reply: 'Don't worry, Hana. I'll be back soon.' He promptly turned off the phone, determined to savor every precious moment with his 'Lantern Boy' without any interruptions.

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