Frike (Frickle x ike) 🩷

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They have been dating since 3rd year and now in 6th year :) so like 3 years they've been dating and Frickle is a slow speaker enjoy

Frickles pov:

"Storm cloud!" I heard a strong Canadian voice say as they wrapped their arms around me. "Hey Ike..." I said resting my head on his chest. "How is my storm cloud doing?" He asked rubbing my back. "Same as yesterday... and the day before and before that an-" I then get cut off by a pair of soft yet chapt (idk how to spell it) lips. "Mhp-" was all I let out from being caught off guard. Ike then pulled away "I get it your tired and hate everything." He said laughing. "Whatever..." I said rolling my eyes. "But you don't hate me right?~" Ike said with puppy eyes. "No... i dont.. hate you..." I said embarrassed as hell.

Ikes pov:

People say Frickle is weird but he's just absolutely adorable! 'How can anyone hate my storm cloud?!' I thought while kissing Frickles forehead. "Love you." I said to him, we usually don't use the word 'love' because it makes him nervous but I truly do love him and don't expect him to say it back. "You don't need to say it back I truly do love you I'm just saying the truth." I add. I could tell he's panicking but... it seems different as if he wanted me to say that he went all red even with the full coverage foundation on well.. I don't know if the foundation covers his blush because I don't use makeup like he does. "I.. love you too..." He said smiling. I became a grin and blushing mess holding him closer.

Short chapter ik but anyways bye have a good day/noon/night

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