Part II / Ash & Ezekiel

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AUTHOR: This chapter exists thanks to @HabibAlayssami for opening my eyes on this little mistake that I forgot to add, which is the how behind Ash & Ezekiel. This chapter may not add that much value to the story, but to all my Ash & Ezekiel you know how they met!

16 years ago...

"Wait," I ran after him, "What do you mean he didn't kill my parents?" I ask, but he doesn't stop to reply. It's as if my words aren't reaching him, "What do you mean we will get out of here soon?" I carry on asking, "How do you know him-" He places his hand on my lips before I could carry on.

His eyes staring deep into my soul, "You're asking all the wrong questions little one," He pats me on the head and walks away. Ash didn't look like someone you would mess with, not someone to take as a joke, but I still wanted to know how he knew my brother.

"Hey!" I yell into the foster home's hallway, all the kids turned to look at me, including the boys he beat up, "I said how the fuck do you my brother!" Rage started filling me up, just like it did that day, just like it did that night. 

Miss Peterson stopped next to me and slapped me on the back of my head, "No cursing at the foster home," She demanded with her short curly hair, big black wrinkly eyes, and her big belly, "We will not condone this type of behavior Gabriel!" 

I laughed at her comment, "Fatty," I said, "My name is Ezekiel Redwood, and I am not speaking to you." Miss Peterson took me by the ear and sent me to the dean's office, or whatever they called the head of our department. 

I usually paid little to no attention, I dare to say that if I had to describe the place I'm currently in I would miserably fail because I always looked at the floor as I lived in my own nostalgic thoughts. 

I wanted to go back to that day. I wanted to go back and stop the fire. I wanted to go back and take that cigarette from his hand. I wanted to go back and take a step to the right so the knife doesn't hit me, but sadly the only thing stopping me from living in agony and depression is the fact that I am glad I can't go back, because they're dead, and sadly I don't mind it.

On my way to the deans office I kept reminiscing about the old times where mom used to be nice to Jeremiah and I, but when I wanted to think about the times Abraham was nice to us I would reach the end of that train pretty quickly. 

"I hear you're cursing in the hallway?" The dean said, snapping his two big fingers in front of me, "Boy we are speaking to you." His tone gets louder, I look up and look around the office. He had big black walls that had splashes of white, and a big poster that read, The Dean, behind him.

"Yes," I say as I look at his desk, "That rings true." But my sarcastic comment was met with a slap on the face that brought me back to reality. "What the fuck is your issue!" I yell, but that didn't help because I was met with yet another one. 

"I said no cursing!" The dean yelled back, but my sarcastic genes couldn't handle not joking about it, "but you never just said you heard me cursing in the hallway." I giggle as I cover my cheek with my right hand. 

The dean laughed and looked at Miss Peterson, "Look here Miss Peterson," He shouts in excitement, "We have a fucking comedian!" 

"I thought we were not allowed to curse here," I smirk at him, but yet again he tries to slap me. And as he did Ash busted into the office door. "Hey!" He screams, "Dean fucking piglet!" The dean got up and looked at Ash. 

I couldn't tell if he was scared or he was about to hit him too, but something about this situation made me feel like I've known Ash my entire life. I can't entirely be sure because thanks to Abraham I could barely remember things from before it.

Even the doctors couldn't explain what did a knife wound have to do with my brain, but that wasn't my job to know. "What did you call me?" The dean asked, but before he could Ash threw a stapler at him and grabbed me, "Now we get the fuck out of here."

"Yes please for fuck's sake-" I reply, but Ash slaps me, "Hey what the-" I tried, but his hand was out again, "No cursing in the hallways." He giggled, "Let's run." The slap really hurt because his hand covered up half of my small face, but Jeremiah always taught me one thing. Never leave a battle without scarring the opponent, even if you lose. 

I slap Ash back. A slap that readjusted the way he viewed his life decisions, "My brother taught me one thing," I say, "Never leave a battle without scarring the opponent," I add. "Even if you lose," Ash interrupts, "I told you we go way back." He smiled.

Ash and I ran away and promised them that we will never show our faces here again. We left that place and never saw the dean again. We left that place and never saw Miss Peterson again. We left that place... and I never saw Ash again. 

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