Chapter 4

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The morning sun casts bright rays on my face that make me groan in annoyance, I cover my face with my blanket and roll, unaware of the fact that I am sleeping in the bed's corner, and land on the ground with a thud with my whole body tangled in th...

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The morning sun casts bright rays on my face that make me groan in annoyance, I cover my face with my blanket and roll, unaware of the fact that I am sleeping in the bed's corner, and land on the ground with a thud with my whole body tangled in the blankets now.

"Good morning sunshine, you look extra chirpy today," I say to myself when I catch my reflection in the mirror, sitting among the covers tangled in them, hair highly disheveled and looking like a bird nest, drool in the corner of my mouth and eyes looking exhausted like I haven't slept in years.

sarcastically smiling at my reflection and showing a thumbs up, I check my phone. 6:57 pm, Huh, I could have slept for more than 3 minutes if not for the beautiful sun in the sky. I wish I could just take a break for 1 day and sleep peacefully. But who am I kidding, that is not possible until I become magically rich and don't have to care about my salary if I miss a day at work.

I scroll through my phone when I receive a message from Roman. I am shocked would be an understatement, Roman is messaging me? but why? I open the message to see it's nothing important just a normal greeting

Roman: Good morning Asena, hope you have a great day

I smiled after reading the message and then I remembered that he asked me to be his friend and I accepted. Holy shit, Roman is my friend.

I do a happy dance while still on the ground.

I reply to his message 'Good morning to you too Roman'

I get up and make my way to the bathroom like a zombie. splashing my face with some cold water and brushing my teeth, I take a quick shower. I get dressed in a cute cream-colored sweater top with wide-legged denim jeans and my regular pair of Converses and tie my hair in a high ponytail with a cream bow. 

I make my way to the kitchen and eat some cereal for breakfast. I check the time and see it's time to leave, washing the bowl and checking my bag if I kept everything, I grab my coat and make my way downstairs after locking my apartment.

I walk down the streets of this busy city and look around me, people working, talking, eating. It's so easy to fool people I think, to put up appearances. No one can tell by looking at these people if they are happy or not, they just put on a mask to show the world. I would know, the happy, chirpy girl who works two jobs to earn money, everyone would think that I am happy, too happy for the way I act and talk to people.

They wouldn't know the lonely girl that I am. They wouldn't see the girl who was abandoned by her parents when she was a baby. They wouldn't know the girl who talks to herself, her reflection- and tells herself about her day because she wants someone to listen to her and she doesn't have anyone. No, they wouldn't because appearances can be deceiving and to survive here you need to keep the mask up and hide behind the facade. In my case? the mask is a happy girl, with a bright smile.

I reach the cafe and enter, being graced by the sight of Mr. Williams in an apron and the smell of freshly baked food. I smile at him. let's do this.

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